Highway crackdown; tickets for 2 mph over the limit

Double your posts, now double your nicknames? :hmm:

I don't understand why someone bother to type down their nickname/name after typed down since everyone already have SN at side.


It's my netbook 10" wide screen blocking my view. I was lazy not to scroll down further to be sure if my sn already typed.

Cruise control is help to get better MPG and avoid from over the speed limit by accident.

I have no problem with cruise control. I drove a lot like 3-6 hours at long trip. One time, we drove from Chicago to NY (RIT) from 10pm to 9am (can't remember what exactly time that we arrive at NY) but stuck at 70mph-74mph due less traffic and more police. Ofc, we feel tired and just pull over to rest area to take nap. With cruise control or without cruise control dont make any different for safety. One of myexgf drove my old car and we went at long trip. She don't noticed she went at 100mph by accident because we chat and she dont feel anything like rev up. That's all watch on the road then look at me for chat.

yes it does.

Oregon State Police - Patrol Division Safety Tip - Cruise Control
WHY? - Anytime you encounter a road surface (particularly hilly terrains) that may be slippery there is the chance the transmission will shift into a lower gear. Should this happen the drive-train tires will spin due to the traction loss via acceleration. Should this occur there is a chance that you may lose control of the vehicle. If you are fatigued or drowsy and are operating with cruise control on you will not experience any gradual speed slowing effects should you drift off the roadway. Any decrease in speed is beneficial in regaining control of the vehicle and avoiding a crash.

Cruise Control and Accidents, Advantages and Disadvantages
Unfortunately, cruise control also has several disadvantages which can present dangers to motorists, including:

Cruise control encourages drivers to pay less attention to driving, increasing the risk that they’ll be in an accident.
Automating speed control means that it takes longer for a driver to respond to changing road conditions. Cruise control systems have contributed in the past to drivers losing control on turns or curves in the road.

but hey.... I'm not telling you what to do. I'm simply expressing my disdain and concern about using cruise control. I have used cruise control a few times long time ago and I don't like it at all because I believe it's very unsafe. If the driver wants to use it - go ahead. But do not dismiss it as harmless and safe.