Highway crackdown; tickets for 2 mph over the limit

Our local police officers are pulling people over for expired inspection stickers. Ya'll check your inspection stickers!
Our local police officers are pulling people over for expired inspection stickers. Ya'll check your inspection stickers!

I get pulled over often.

1. My vehicle register in other state.
2. I got tint windows with the special permission from the city/state.
3. No license plate on the front, only in the back.

highway patrols, and police officers can start suck their thumbs and let me go free :)
I got pulled over for doing 56 in a 55 zone on a lonely country road. The cop was bored. He made me get out of my car and put me in the front seat of his so he could explain all the workings of a cop car. Kept me there a good 30 minutes. Let me go without a ticket or warning. But darn, was I annoyed. :lol:
Weird. :shock:
Our local police officers are pulling people over for expired inspection stickers. Ya'll check your inspection stickers!
Our state doesn't have inspection stickers.
I get pulled over often.

1. My vehicle register in other state.
2. I got tint windows with the special permission from the city/state.
3. No license plate on the front, only in the back.

highway patrols, and police officers can start suck their thumbs and let me go free :)
Our state doesn't have front plates either.
What's this about inspection stickers? Closest thing to that here in CA is every so often, we have to send in certified smog documentation which we pay for.
What's this about inspection stickers? Closest thing to that here in CA is every so often, we have to send in certified smog documentation which we pay for.

Depending on which state, the inspection center checks for emission and/or mechanical defects (broken headlight, turn signals, tires, etc.). My state no longer inspects for mechanical defects as of August 1, 2010 except commercial vehicles. Motorcycles are exempted from inspection.

information on NJ Inspection - http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/pdf/Inspections/FAQinspection.pdf
Effective August 1, 2010, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission made changes to the New Jersey Vehicle Inspection Program eliminating the mechanical defects (safety) portion of the inspection process for passenger vehicles. Most passenger vehicles will be required to be inspected biennially (every two years) for emissions only. Commercial vehicles and buses will be required to be inspected annually (every year) for safety and the appropriate emissions test. Motorcycles are now exempt from inspection.
No mechanical or emissions inspections in South Carolina.

We pump our own gas, too. ;)
In Kansas, no emission or inspection stickers. Not even front License plate.

In Missouri, No Emission but inspection sticker is required. Must have front License plate.


Earlier this morning, I saw 5 cops park on side of freeway ready for speed traps. It sure does backed up traffic :mad: I was late to work because of this!!

Kansas is a bit more flexible. I once did 85mph over 70mph whizzing by cop and I went :eek2: but cop didn't pull me over. Luckily cars front and behind me were in same speed.

I'm strongly against the use of cruise control. It's a serious safety risk. If you are tired, then pull over to rest area and rest up!

Cruise control is help to get better MPG and avoid from over the speed limit by accident.

I have no problem with cruise control. I drove a lot like 3-6 hours at long trip. One time, we drove from Chicago to NY (RIT) from 10pm to 9am (can't remember what exactly time that we arrive at NY) but stuck at 70mph-74mph due less traffic and more police. Ofc, we feel tired and just pull over to rest area to take nap. With cruise control or without cruise control dont make any different for safety. One of myexgf drove my old car and we went at long trip. She don't noticed she went at 100mph by accident because we chat and she dont feel anything like rev up. That's all watch on the road then look at me for chat.
In Kansas, no emission or inspection stickers. Not even front License plate.

In Missouri, No Emission but inspection sticker is required. Must have front License plate.


Earlier this morning, I saw 5 cops park on side of freeway ready for speed traps. It sure does backed up traffic :mad: I was late to work because of this!!

Kansas is a bit more flexible. I once did 85mph over 70mph whizzing by cop and I went :eek2: but cop didn't pull me over. Luckily cars front and behind me were in same speed.

Double your posts, now double your nicknames? :hmm:

I don't understand why someone bother to type down their nickname/name after typed down since everyone already have SN at side.
Cruise control is help to get better MPG and avoid from over the speed limit by accident.

I have no problem with cruise control. I drove a lot like 3-6 hours at long trip. One time, we drove from Chicago to NY (RIT) from 10pm to 9am (can't remember what exactly time that we arrive at NY) but stuck at 70mph-74mph due less traffic and more police. Ofc, we feel tired and just pull over to rest area to take nap. With cruise control or without cruise control dont make any different for safety. One of myexgf drove my old car and we went at long trip. She don't noticed she went at 100mph by accident because we chat and she dont feel anything like rev up. That's all watch on the road then look at me for chat.
Hubby's Jeep Commander has cruise control, and that's the vehicle we use for long trips.

My Cherokee is for my work commuting, errands, and local driving only.
Hubby's Jeep Commander has cruise control, and that's the vehicle we use for long trips.

My Cherokee is for my work commuting, errands, and local driving only.

Perfect sense. You are good to go.

I don't need CC for some jobs, school, and short trip too.