Higher monthly payment with contracts...

Does T mobile have those extra bills like this? Any other carriers?

I do not have a mobile phone and I am sure all the carriers have fees to pay too .Any charges the carriers have to pay is pass on to their customers . Verizon went to court and won their case to pass their cost onto their customers . I did not like AT&T and I read that MCI was started to help build
the nuke plant in Seabrook NH so I never used MCI .
We've been satisfied with T-Mobile, up to now. The problem is coverage. There are too many uncovered areas. It's very annoying to not be able to make calls unless we drive a few miles or stand on a hill top, or wait until later.

We will also have to upgrade equipment because we each have phones that are becoming obsolete. :(

My daughter and her family recently switched from T-Mobile to Verizon. They had to because they live in a new neighborhood that had no coverage from T-Mobile.

If you change from T-Mobile to Verizon it is not a matter of if your phones are obsolete but that the two companies use a different technology that is not compatible with each other.

I would suggest that you check the Verizon map very closely before you make a decision. If you find that you do virtually no roaming you would probably like PagePlus which is a MVNO that uses the native Verizon towers with very good rates. I am not connected to them but have been happy using them. You would need to get a 3G Verizon phone that HAS NOT been used on Verizon's on prepaid plan. There is not much choice through PagePlus themselves so a Ebay, Amazon, etc. is a better choice. Here is a link to Page Plus's web site. https://www.pagepluscellular.com/
I wish phone companys had build your own plans where you can specify exactly how much of what you want.
My Verizon contract will be up in January. My family is on T mobile plan. I would like to get back on T mobile by then to save money. I wanted to ask about the no contract with T mobile.

My concern was that I would stay with T mobile for 2 years without contract. I would end up paying FULL cost of phone as opposed to partial cost if I signed a 2 year contract.

I wanted to know about monthly plans. Someone mentioned that I would pay more for monthly plans if I had contract as opposed to no contract so that the company would recoup the lost wage from phone sales.

Is that accurate? Can you elaborate?

Save money = Poor coverage. Not great for business.

Verizon Coverage Maps - 2G,3G and 4G LTE Coverage Map | OpenSignalMaps - OpenSignal

You can check between Verizon and T-mobile for 4G/LTE coverage. I use Verizon for almost 10 years. Too many of my friends complained about bad signal on T-mobile and Sprint at my area and near Chicago. You get what you pay for
I got mine with $54.99/month. Limitation was 2 GB. I went over that. Therefore, it cost me a lot of money.

Then don't update your app or download app without WIFI. Only way to avoid from over 2GB. I almost never over 2GB for many years. Thanks to WIFI.
I would go to Cricket. They offer no-contract phones for a reasonable price, and the monthly charges are always the same-- they NEVER add on anything extra unless I authorized it. When I got my current phone from there, I was paying $50/month, plus $5.20 for insurance, so that was $55.20/month, and then in June, I added a personal hotspot on my phone for an additional $10/month, so now I'm paying $65.20/month, and I have never gone over my limit, therefore my bills have been very stable.
"so much extra fees"? huh? I've been Verizon customer for a very long time. I don't know what is this "so much extra fees" you speak of.

I'm on Verizon's deaf plan. It's like $50 or something.

Do use Verizon for your internet service too? I used Verizon for my phone and internet and it's $65. 34 with the $10.00 discount on my internet. I use Comcast for my TV . A lot of my neighbors use Comcast for everything , I do like that because if Comcast lose their power you end having no TV , phone or internet . This happen when Comcast lost it power for 3 days . I was till able to use my computer and phone. Some people do not use cell phones .