
I have gotten a hickey and gave a hickey before. It was really embarrassing when they ask what's this red spot. I covered it. :giggle:
Still get hickeys to this day. What ist he big deal about it??? I do understand if one gets 5 hickeys on his/her neck and everybody fuss about it, but ONE weeny-bitsy hickey and already everybdoy goes "gasp!"

My husband covers his up with collared shirts or sweatshirts where the neckhole will snuggle against his neck. Meanwhile for me-- I let my hair down and use a comb to spread the blood vessels out to dim it a BIT. I would use a turtleneck but remember-- I live in San Diego, it is summertime for 300 days out of 356 days. No reason for wearing a turtleneck!
no i dont like hickeys.... but yea i did get that few times in h.s. years and given to my exes too.

Help I got a hickey but not on my neck l
I remember getting some hickeys when I was a teenager and boy, I had to use every excuse in the book. Of course there was a point where I had to use the turtleneck and sometime I'd put alot of make up foundation on that spot to cover it (even though you still could see it vageuly)

And as for liking the hickey - Nah I'm not too crazy about having one but it sure does feel good when a guy kisses and nibbles my neck. Mmm That turns me on!
Hickey? do you mean love-bite?

I make sure either I understand you correct or not before I am going to make my post.
Liebling:-))) said:
Hickey? do you mean love-bite?

I make sure either I understand you correct or not before I am going to make my post.

A hickey is actually broken blood vessels beneath the skin. It's sort of like a bruise, when a guy suck your neck or any place on your body leaves a look alike bruise, sometimes redness. ;)
Cheri said:
A hickey is actually broken blood vessels beneath the skin. It's sort of like a bruise, when a guy suck your neck or any place on your body leaves a look alike bruise, sometimes redness. ;)

Ahhhhhhhh I got it... It's love-bite... I know now it's American language "hickey" but british language - "love-bite"...

Yes, I had it long time ago... I feel uncomfortable when my friends teased me :naughty: I used to like it when I was young but now not more... It's loonnngg time ago I last had was about 20 years ago... :o
Jolie_77 said:
And as for liking the hickey - Nah I'm not too crazy about having one but it sure does feel good when a guy kisses and nibbles my neck. Mmm That turns me on!

yeah same here. ;)
Liebling:-))) said:
Ahhhhhhhh I got it... It's love-bite... I know now it's American language "hickey" but british language - "love-bite"...

Yes, I had it long time ago... I feel uncomfortable when my friends teased me :naughty: I used to like it when I was young but now not more... It's loonnngg time ago I last had was about 20 years ago... :o

Love-Bite? Thats so COOL!
I think hickeys are ugly!!!

My ex husband gave me one, and I was really pissed at him for giving me one.

My current husband doesn't give me one. He doesn't like hickey and I don't like hickey. It look ugly.
Nope, it doesn't do anything for me. It just doesn't look attractive at all. :o
i dont know about hickeys, but i do like kissing the neck.
Yep gaven hickeys to my ex before but never recieve them. :| ah well
I gave someone a tiny hickey on the right side of his neck at a Deaf Club in SI one year ago.. :twisted:
I just gave a hickey to Chris about a week ago on his chest before I moved :giggle: I like hickeys as long as its on my boobies not my neck! Boy, when I gave a hickey.. I can taste the blood.. :shock: I guess I sucked it too hard! :giggle: Cheri, yes you're right it does turn me on in a way!
:shock: ~You say BLOOD BLOOD BLOOD.. ohhh booo... VAMPIRE IS HERE..
Where can I find garlic and hide???