

New Member
Jan 29, 2007
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Hello everyone, I'm new to AD and just got laid off from work today. I am soooo devistated... I never saw it coming. It took me two years to find a job the last time.... Somebody shoot me and put me out of my misery.:rl:
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Enjoy browsing and posting! :)

Sorry to hear that you got laid off from work. I know the feeling. I got laid off 6 months ago after been working there over 4 yrs. I am still looking for a job and it is not easy. :(
Thanks Koala,
I know it isn't easy! In 2002 I lost my job of 20 years and it took me almost two years to find a job. Now I get laid off again almost 3 years later.

I wish you all the luck find a job too? What type of work are you looking for?
Aw I'm sorry to hear about your job but I aren't going to shoot you :giggle: , but hey? no matter how bad things get in life whether it's about losing our jobs, our homes, our trouble life etc but remember things will get better, I've had my share of up and down in life but I'm still hanging ...I do hope you will be able to find another job that will last longer....Keep believing and have faith knowing something good will come out of this...

Btw, Welcome to Alldeaf and Hello :)
Thanks Koala,
I know it isn't easy! In 2002 I lost my job of 20 years and it took me almost two years to find a job. Now I get laid off again almost 3 years later.

I wish you all the luck find a job too? What type of work are you looking for?

I am looking for a Records management job which I had almost 5 yrs experience in a govt dept. If I couldn't find another job like that, then I can settle for an office work in either govt dept or private business.
:welcome: To All Deaf itjustmehere!!
Sorry to hear about being laid off:(
Good Luck & give it time..
You'll find another job:)
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:
:welcome: to AD! Sorry about your job. What kind of job are u looking for or what field of work do u want to work in?

Mom, why do you want people to shoot you! That is not a very nice thing to say!:hug: :thumbd: :cry: :kiss:

I love you!!
Welcome to AllDeaf! Enjoy your stay! :thumb:

Don't feel bad about it. I'm sure you'll find another job soon. Just send out those applications. :)
:welcome: Welcome here to this AD forum and hope you can find this place fit your concern about your hearing loss and deafness. We all have the same problem as you have. Sign Languages, schools, jobs, interpreters, and many more.. Please share your info with us. And Great place to make friends here too..

Warning, watch out for crazy people here... :giggle:

Have fun!! :iough:
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf! One loss can lead to another great position/job, in the meantime, keep your chin up, no one dares to shoot you down, yet, to encourage you to keep the faith and don't despair either...surely, it's a hard thing to cope with now...give yourself some time to build yourself back up in a positive way and you'll be grateful as well as for those who keep encouraging you along the way! Also, hope you'll enjoy your stay here in AD as well. :)

Have a great day! :wave:

to AD..I am sorry to hear that you got laid off. I am sure you will find another job. Just apply to all that are available for hiring. Good luck! :) Meanwhile I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
Welcome to AD! :wave:

As for getting laid off; been there, done that. For me, it was after 15 years. Never good to lose a job but sometimes it is necessary in order to get you out of your "comfort zone" in order to land a more challenging, more rewarding position. Best wishes to you on your job hunt and I hope that you will not be unemployed for as long this time around!


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