hi & welcome ;)

Hi :)

Thanks for replying...

Yeah I know what you mean..I just feel pretty darn excluded and I don't really know if I fit in with the deaf world or the hearing one...
If you don't mind me asking, do you know sign language? And do you think that you, especially if you use sign language, tend to use your hands to express yourself whilst talking? Does that make sense? :)

Signed languages involve much more than using your hands. It's all body language, facial expression, and the whole body, not just hands.
I'd love to know of other people who are oral like me and don't use sign language..
Courtney, most dhh kids who Sign ALSO speak.....especially in New Zealand,which has a history of oral education. Look into that residental immersian thing...Contact the school, and see if you'd fit in with the type of kid who attends the residental immersian thing..It looks like they have a HUGE outreach program (as most dhh kids in New Zealand are mainstreamed...many of those kids are ORAL (either sign and talk or just talk)too!....It's also possible that you might not have classic dyslexia. You seem to express yourself in writing and understand what we're saying just fine.You might just have "never been taught by a qualfied TOD" or "hitting the limits of spoken language (as dhh kids' spoken language does tend to lag behind hearing kids) That's different from hearing person dyslexia.
hi deafdyke,
thanks for replying ;D
and yeah, i have a slightly different kind of dyslexia...numbers, dates, things like that...science...following instructions..learning new things...those are what i struggle with...i dont even know my left and right..;o
writing is what i am good at....numbers not.
and sorry, contact what school? and yea well i have had very little contact with any deaf people in general so feel really quite isolated.. espeically after an inciden t that happened at school the other day and teacher said deaf/hoh people are special needs..
i think what i struggle with the most, is that i feel i can't indentify as deaf/hoh because i dont know NZSL and yet i cant indentify as a hearing person either because i am not one yet that's all i know...sorry does that make sense? it is just really getting to me as i know i dont fit the sterotype of a deaf person (knows sign language, goes to deaf school, uses hands to express themself etc)..i am mainstreamed schoool...dont know any sign langauge and i sturggle to use my hands to express myself...eg.. can't clap in time..can't do gestures with my hands as my brain doesnt quite send the right message to them...i dont use my body to talk etc but rather use my writing......it's very confusing..sorry for rambling on and hope i am not confusing people..
hi deafdyke,
thanks for replying ;D
and yeah, i have a slightly different kind of dyslexia...numbers, dates, things like that...science...following instructions..learning new things...those are what i struggle with...i dont even know my left and right..;o
writing is what i am good at....numbers not.
and sorry, contact what school? and yea well i have had very little contact with any deaf people in general so feel really quite isolated.. espeically after an inciden t that happened at school the other day and teacher said deaf/hoh people are special needs..
i think what i struggle with the most, is that i feel i can't indentify as deaf/hoh because i dont know NZSL and yet i cant indentify as a hearing person either because i am not one yet that's all i know...sorry does that make sense? it is just really getting to me as i know i dont fit the sterotype of a deaf person (knows sign language, goes to deaf school, uses hands to express themself etc)..i am mainstreamed schoool...dont know any sign langauge and i sturggle to use my hands to express myself...eg.. can't clap in time..can't do gestures with my hands as my brain doesnt quite send the right message to them...i dont use my body to talk etc but rather use my writing......it's very confusing..sorry for rambling on and hope i am not confusing people..

That's not dyslexia.Dyslexia is struggling with words and sophsicated language You struggle with numbers...struggling with numbers is dysCALUCLIA....and it sounds like you might have a developmental cordination disorder........Have you ever had PT or OT? I'm actually wondering if you might benifit from an evalution at one of the Deaf schools...they tend to be very experianced with dhh kids who have secondary issues,including mild but still educationally significent learning disabilties..Maybe too they could help with learning NZSL!...check them out.....Van Asch offers a residental immersian program for dhh teens that could be helpful for you....Van Asch Deaf Education Centre and Kelston Deaf Education Centre - Home And I urge you...Look into the summer programs/supplemental stuff they offer...it will REALLY help you immensely!
It's pretty rare for a deaf kid to attend a Deaf school.....you're not alone....there are MANY different ways to be dhh....You could call yourself HOH...that's a good term. Many dhh as kids who don't sign call themselves HOH.......

What's ot and pt?
And thanks so much
I checked out the site and I can't find what I'm looking for though
And yeah I understand what you mean
I talked to mum about it and I think I've realised that yes I'm deaf/hog and I'm unable to sign because I find it so hard but that's okay because it just makes me work around that :) that's what lip reading and texting on phones comes in hand for right?:)
Welcome to AD!
You'll find people who you can socialize with.
I know learning a new language is hard, but it just takes practice and patience. As people below said, some speak and sign. Maybe try find deaf community in your city (I know you said you feel isolated but I'm sure there's a community near you).

Good luck and again, welcome to the site!
hi doctorstarkidpotter

thanks :) i have tried to find some but there aren't any! ;o i have looked in the newspapers too...saw one ages and ages ago but it isn't there anymore..

and yeah. i guess i just really feel like a ''fake'' deaf as i haven't really interacted with other deaf people before and i don't know any sign language and i'd really like to connect more with other people who are deaf :P
just curious..do you know of many people who are deaf/hoh but dont sign? because that's why i feel extremely islolated...because i worry the deaf community will 'reject' me because i dont know sign :o
I have tried to learn it but i just can't do it... :o
i'm not using my dyslexia and various issues as an excuse to say i can't learn it but it is very hard and i think that makes me feel even more of a 'fake' because sign is the language of the deaf..:o
hi doctorstarkidpotter

thanks :) i have tried to find some but there aren't any! ;o i have looked in the newspapers too...saw one ages and ages ago but it isn't there anymore..

and yeah. i guess i just really feel like a ''fake'' deaf as i haven't really interacted with other deaf people before and i don't know any sign language and i'd really like to connect more with other people who are deaf :P
just curious..do you know of many people who are deaf/hoh but dont sign? because that's why i feel extremely islolated...because i worry the deaf community will 'reject' me because i dont know sign :o
I have tried to learn it but i just can't do it... :o
i'm not using my dyslexia and various issues as an excuse to say i can't learn it but it is very hard and i think that makes me feel even more of a 'fake' because sign is the language of the deaf..:o

I'm sorry :(
I just found an ASL class here in my small city, same with a deaf community (still need to go to one of the events). I have no "in person" interacted with any deaf/hoh... yet, but I know a few online. I speak, but learning ASL.
Again, some deaf speak, sign, speak and sign. We all have our own way of communicating.
I'm partially blind, and I have some minor 'learning delay' but it doesn't stop me. You're not a "fake" deaf. You're just YOU. Thats all that matters. It's your 'world' and no one else, you do what YOU think it's right.
Interact with other deaf/hoh people, use pen/paper, there's always a way to communicate :)
I'm always here to listen and interact with you.
thanks you starkidpotter :3

i knoooooooow i keep saying this but i just feel like a ''fake''...and stuff...sorry maybe im overthinking :o but since sign language is the language of the deaf........i wish i knew it :(

What's ot and pt?
And thanks so much
I checked out the site and I can't find what I'm looking for though
And yeah I understand what you mean
I talked to mum about it and I think I've realised that yes I'm deaf/hog and I'm unable to sign because I find it so hard but that's okay because it just makes me work around that :) that's what lip reading and texting on phones comes in hand for right?:)

Here's what you were looking for! http://online.vanasch.school.nz/WebSpace/398/ I'd totally opt for that....Maybe too they can evaluate you and might be able to even help you learn NZSL.....
OT and PT are occupational and physical therapy.
hii...so i have a lot to say and i wasn't sure if this was the right place to post it but here goes...

Well, I’m sixteen and I’m a deaf girl living in New Zealand. I don’t know any other deaf people and it’s really hit me recently because of something that happened today. In class, we were discussing diversity in the workplace and my teacher mentioned that hearing loss/ hearing aid wearers/deaf people etc are ‘’special needs.’’
And that made me so mad! I am normally VERY shy but I interrupted her and got into a bit of a rant at her and it just really annoyed me how she said that and the way she did. I am over people not understanding and I really want to connect with my deaf side more.
I am dyslexic and I have tried learning sign language but I just can’t do it. I just get mad at myself and feel like a fake deaf person…I know that sounds crazy but it’s true :(
because I’m dyslexic, learning any language for me is sooo hard and since my hands/fingers sometimes don’t do what my brain asks them to do…it makes it even more difficult to learn it..
I communicate using my voice since I wasn’t born deaf. fingerspelling and sign language just don’t work for me…too complicated.. and I was also wondering if anybody has other ideas I can use to help me communicate with people? gestures are too complicated for me too….so any suggestions?
I totally respect other deafies who use sign language and I think it’s faboulous and I wish I could ;D but I see no point in dwelling on it because I have tried and it doesn’t work for me..
I am just sick of feeling isolated at school and stuff…I know NO other deaf or hearing impaired people and it is really getting to me…I am very shy and being deaf deaf-inately(PUN!!!!!!) knocks my self esteem a lot :O
is anybody out there a female, between 15-25(at the most) and interested in being my deaf buddy?! :) I am really into pen pals and we could write letters to each other and stuff!
:) or is anybody from New Zealand and from that same age group??? I would really really like to make some deaf friends…and the organisations in NZ aren’t very helpful… ;o

anyway, sorry for the long post and I am looking forward to hopefully making lots of new friends on here!

Courtney xxx

:welcome: Hello Courtney, welcome to the All Deaf forum!
G'day neighbour,

Welcome to AD!

Why I said 'Neighbour' cause I am from australia, and NZ is next door :lol:
:welcome: to AllDeaf Forum. You need to stop being so negative and start being positive about yourself, even if you are shy. You are not "fake" deaf person. Like others said that you are you. In the video, the young guy signed in the song that you are you and you are wonderful and amazing person. No one can change you, ever. You don't have to be upset with the teacher as she is hearing and know nothing about deafness at all. You just have to teach her or him about your deafness and why we don't like to use the term "Special Needs". But we do need some kind of accomodations to help us understand what is being said in the classrooms, like CART (which is a device that type from someone who listen or hear the teacher speaking into the microphone), notetakers, and open or close captioned videos. I don't know if there is a VRS (Vocational Rehabilitation Service) in your area or in the big city. As for deafies who speak and not using sign language, that would be a difficult way to talk with deafies and hearing people. You would still not be able to understand them very well. Lipreading is not 100 percent accurate and you would get lost in it. So you need to learn NZSL (New Zealand Sign Language) in your home country. Just try to go to the NZSL class and the teacher will help you with your hands. You will learn it slowly and hopefully you will be able to understand Deaf people. I wish you good luck.

I hope you enjoy reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave: