Hi - new user, son of a deaf father


New Member
Jul 17, 2013
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Hello all,

My dad is 67, was born with regular hearing but suffered ear damage in Vietnam that was resulted in degenerative hearing loss. Had to retire in late 40's due to hearing, got by with hearing aids for a few years but last five years or so 100% deaf. Hearing aids don't do anything. Refuses to try cochlear b/c he hopes at some point in the future there will be a non-surgical solution. Won't take sign classes. He refuses to text. He can read lips, however, out of his four kids, me being the oldest, only one lives in same state so it doesn't do the rest of us good. So when we need to get a hold of him we have to call his wife and tell her to tell him to get on the internet. And yes, the obvious answer is to get him up to speed on technology but he simply won't.

Anyway, he sent an email the other day about some kind of closed captioned telephone/internet service where he can see what we say on the phone about five seconds after we say it. Not sure why I didn't think of this before, but is there no online video service that offers this? I researched Skype and Vonage and didn't see it. See each other online and get closed captioning?

Any other solutions or is this currently what is best solution for a lovely stubborn old man who won't text and rarely emails?

And I know this is the general 'hello' thread so even if you can direct me to another thread much appreciated.


Captel phone? He should probably get one free from deaf services in his state.

As for Skype, if you don't sign, you can still type to each other during a video call if he can't understand by speech reading.

Thank you Bottesini for the info! I suppose I'm half the problem if I didn't know Skype did that!

I appreciate the response.
