Hi! Is this site only for people that are deaf?


New Member
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
Wirelessly posted

I'm 21 and i'm new to this site. I am a lesbian and I was wondering if it's ok for me to have registered on here. If not then I'll leave. I just want to get to know new people and learn as well. :)
No problem with you joining up and getting in discussions. Just be a bit careful about discussing a deaf issue. Anything else you can argue to your hearts content
Wirelessly posted

Thanks! I didn't want to make anyone feel like I was intruding. Thats why I asked. I'm thinking of taking an ASL class this semester. How is everyone doing today? :D
Wirelessly posted (droid)

The fact that you respect the Deaf enough to ask means that there is hope for you. lol Hang around and learn about Deaf culture.
Hmm, let me check the rules...

I don't see anything that says you have to be straight.

I don't see anything that says you have to be deaf.

I guess it's okay for you to be here.

Thanks. :)
I didn't think there would be a problem but I figured I would ask first and see what happend. I was actually watching the show Weeds the other day and one of the characters on the show was deaf (is deaf suppose to be capitalized?). I realized I didn't know much about the Deaf culture and thought this would be a good place to learn.