Hi I'm new


New Member
Sep 17, 2006
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Hi everyone!
I'm Melissa, and I just got digital HAs yesterday!
I have mild/moderate loss in the normal (low and speech) frequencies and severe loss in the high frequencies. It's a sensorineural loss I had from birth. Just a bit of background info!
I used to wear analogues when I was younger but I stopped wearing them- they made everything uncomfortably loud.
Today mum called me (quietly) from downstairs and I heard her the first time, she usually has to yell several times. I'd like to hear from other people with digital HAs like myself.

I've just completed a philosophy degree so in this spirit I'm contemplating- I used to tell people I was hoh/hi and to speak up/face me etc but now I'm wearing HAs again I'm not sure what to consider myself. I know labels are best on jars but I don't feel that I identify fully with the hearing or the deaf community. I can get by well without my HAs but people have to repeat things a lot, face me etc. Now I can listen without it being a strain.

Welcome to alldeaf and enjoy your stay here. I might I know you? My name is James from Wyoming. I am not sure if it's you?
Hey there...

Lucky you, I hope to get Digitals soon!!

Anyway, welcome to the forum!! Hope you have a blast here!!

Hey there...

Lucky you, I hope to get Digitals soon!!

Anyway, welcome to the forum!! Hope you have a blast here!!


I am in your shoes. I read another site someone said new second generation digital hearing aid is better? New digital hearing aid is my first step rather than getting CI first.
Welcome to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away!
Hi guys,
thanks for the warm welcomes! sorry James I don't know you- it must be another Melissa that you know.

Someone I know had first-gen digital HAs but she stopped wearing them, didn't like the white noise/fact that they made everything uncomfortably loud- these were my reasons for not wearing my analogues. Have to say it's not at all like that with these digital ones- I basically feel the same (as without) except that I don't have to strain to follow conversation anymore.

Kashveera I hope you get some soon- health services are a lottery aren't they...In England we call it the post code lottery, meaning that what your post code is (part of your address) results in different levels of access to services.

In South Africa, the health services are so bad, its not even funny, no wonder we have the highest number of HIV-AIDS related deaths every year...getting back to the topic(nearlly get into trouble for deviating off the topic!!)

Well, my problem is the high cost of digital HA's, its simply ridiculous, but will be getting some soon!! :fingersx:

Hope to see you posting more!!


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