hi im new here...just want to ask something..


New Member
Dec 5, 2003
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You know.. abt the New Year.. so its coming soon.. ah.. ok.. can i know abt your new year resolution? is that right sp? no i mean you know res... something like you get a goal for next year.. and what are you going to do? to get those goal done.. as for me.. to get hard structure for my kids... am ready to get new job.. to support my kids.. to help them walk in good path.. thats my goal..
You got the spelling right New Year's Resolution.

For me. I never really make a resolution, cuz they aren't usually kept, heh.

I prefer to set daily goals, etc.
im not in to resultion they always get broken, BUT i do keep myself focus on one important thing, thats a better life for myself.
Resolution always same looping every day.. noth'n stoping..

Best way is... be naturally what I like to be goal to complete.. :)
I just follow any resolution that I can keep that is: no resolutions at all. :naughty:
cool.. that good.. very interesting.. umm.. i dont treat my kids as animals.. i treat them as human beings.. cuz they are so smart than we are.. pardon me.. lol.. once my goal set.. i keep to get it reach and get it done!! that mean i would be so over when im into some kind of soil.. know what im mean? eh..
KingCobra said:
My only resolution is NOT to make any New Year's resolution! :D
oh yea? why is that? its not like an unnecessarily to keep the promise.. i mean .. what the thing that you want to go for.. umm like a goal.. and think u going to get it? and why/ that all im asking.. sorri if i confuse ya.. ok..
Every once a year - on the very 1st of January of the new year - I jot down my goals on a piece of paper and have it hidden somewhere safe. So, when the midnite strucks at the end of the year, I look up the paper and see if I have achieve them or not.

dang.. oh well.. umm.. at least you all happy? eh.. hope so.. same here too smiling..