Hi, I'm a new and cautious catlover checking this site out


New Member
Apr 12, 2005
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I would like to check this site out for few days to see if it catches my interests. I have several interests; they are deep-sea fishing, visiting historical places, reading good books, and visiting cat shows. Also, I would enjoy going to car and motorcycle shows. That's about it for now. Still checking out. Bye.

Welcome aboard here :P

Do you have a breeder pedigree cat?
welcome to AD and enjoy ur visit! Glad to be here!
Herzlich Willkommen zu AD

Come and share your posts here with us. :thumb:
Let's see if I am doing this right. I am responding to several posts. I do not have the skill yet, so I'm open to any suggestion. I wonder if this post goes to one person or to all of those who replied to my thread.
Thank you all welcoming committee! Gee, I need to learn how to paste those cute animated faces.
I used to have purebred Himalayan Seal Point. He was with me for about 17 years before he died of kidney failure. Now, I just have Domestic Long Hair cat. If I have another chance, I would buy both Persian and Himalayan.
TTYL, mysterycatlover
Welcome to AllDeaf! It's good to see more cat lovers out there. Cats are beautiful and intelligent creatures. :)
Hi there,

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here....I'm also a catlover too!! ;)
G'day mysterycatlover,

Welcome to AD!

Hope you'll get acclimated being on this site and around us. ;)

I have a Ragdoll cat. Have you heard of them?

Cheers! :wave:
Hi there,
Yes, I have heard and seen Ragdoll. They are so special and act like doll. They don't mind hanging down and are very relaxed when you hold them. I saw them at one of the cat shows. Does your cat have CFA paper?
Nice to talk about cats!

I am working on getting my cat photo on this site. When I sign, "Beg", she would get up and beg like a dog! You gonna see that picture. I taught her when she was little. Also, she understands "water" and would jump up on sink to drink water from the faucet. But first, I must brush her for awhile then she will drink water from the faucet. Signing "outside", she goes to the door. That's about it. Her pet peeve is that if I don't feed her right away, she would run and grab my ankle and bite my leg; boy, that hurts alot! I have to hurry to fill her bowl with dry food. She only eats dry food. She is controlling my life!!!!! Ha, ha ha ha. But in return, she will give me all the love I need and will sleep near me. Also, she would give me that adorned loving look. Have a meowy evening.
Hi welcome and have a great time here on ad.....I have five outside cats that I take care of....wish I could bring them in....ahhh maybe when my kids get a little older.
mysterycatlover said:
Hi there,
Yes, I have heard and seen Ragdoll. They are so special and act like doll. They don't mind hanging down and are very relaxed when you hold them. I saw them at one of the cat shows. Does your cat have CFA paper?

I believe I do have CPA paper after all I bought him from a cat breeder. He's relaxed some of the time when I hold him. He likes to sit on my lap more than being held, believe it or not. :)
Hello and welcome to Alldeaf mysterycatlover! There are a few members here loving cats, and others, wellll..*acts like cats*--heh heh! Anyhow, enjoy your stay here!! :)