Hi, I was not in alldeaf for long time.

Sorry to hear about your divorce, Glorie but it's good to see you back!
welcome to AD,glorie

i know your divorce not easy between you and your ex-hubby (husband) but im sure if you and ex-husband will share custody or not on your son..

when i was 9 years old my parents got divorce and my mom got remarried and also my dad get remarried but im not sure when will get..

many million divorce couple always share custody of kids sometimes got ugly battle on custody of kids for sakes who will win or not..In Judge's order

my parents always joint custody of me and my brother when visit each other on weekend till im 18 and also my brother.

im sure you have great new boyfriend will care of you and im hope your ex-husband will not distrub you im pray..

that good news for you going have counselor that wonderful!!
Welcome back Glorie/lilylover72 :wave:

Sorry to hear about troubles, but very glad you are making it. Sending you and son best wishes for continued recovery.
Hello Thank you all. I was not around again. My boyfriend Travis was in ER because of his personal reason. I had to be with him during my son was in school. Poor him. He had to stay in hositpal for 3 days. He finally got out from hositpal last saturday. He is getting better but he still is on strict diet until Jan so he will have surgery. Wow too many happening in my life. I hope that everything will be settle down.

I suppose have nose surgrey because of many nasty sinus problems this month or Dec.