Oh, you need help alright.
First let me clarify for you from a medical standpoint. No medical professional can tell you when you're going to lose your hearing... especially a general care doctor. You posted at that time you went to a doctor which wasn't even an ENT at the time and they said you're going to lose your hearing in about a year. Nobody can tell you when you're going to lose your hearing. The best any medical professional can do is look at the damage that is done and make an estimate if what is causing the damage continues at the rate it is continuing, how long it will take on average. Based on the fact this was not an ENT, I can only assume this analysis was either made up in your mind... or incorrect. Personally I believe it was made up in your mind based on your follow up posts.
Let us continue off of this spin as if it were fact, anyway... just to humor the situation. If you were indeed at risk of losing your hearing ( diagnosed by a general doctor who would not really do this but send you to an ENT ) and they said "Hey, you are losing your hearing because of loud music, you have about a year based off of the damage I see." What do you think that we would tell you next? We would ADVISE YOU TO STOP LISTENING TO LOUD MUSIC! Now, there are a few things wrong with this as well. 1) 90% of people ( Most young people ) listen to loud music. It definitely takes a toll and causes a degree of hearing loss but it is so minor it is rarely noticeable in younger years. So unless you're going to concerts every single day, parking your butt next to the amp speaker and placing your ear on the sub-woofer I suggest you reevaluate your statement. Your headphones or CD player in your room aren't really going to do anything much to your hearing to create that large of a difference. Most electronic devices these days when you turn them up have an annoying setting that warns you ( Loud music can damage your hearing ) and you can say *Yes I know* and keep turning it up. What you may not know is even when you go beyond that stupid warning there is still a restriction on it. It can only go so loud and is regulated as to NOT create severe hearing issues. To state your sudden hearing issues were brought on solely by loud music is asinine and laughable. If prior hearing issues had existed, I would have suspected a longer response to Botts question asking "What caused your hearing issues" than you leaving it at "Listening to loud music." No, there's no saving you now.
Now that I am done entertaining your loud music theory of complete an utter beans, we can move further to what really toasted my cinnabuns. The fact that you pity us and WANT to be deaf. Do NOT pity us, we don't want your pity. You can take that, wrap it up, eat it, flush it, shove it up your nose or whatever the hell else you want to do with it, but do NOT pity us... we don't want it.
The desire to be deaf... really? I think you have been watching a little too much Switched at Birth. I want you to sit there and think for a little bit of exactly what it would mean to be deaf... not to be able to hear anything. No music, no voices, no sound... You think good and hard about that. I was born Deaf and am quite familiar with this by now... You don't just get to turn it off as you please! Sure, I have a C.I. but I have talked to late deafened friends and hear that it is nothing like real hearing. Do you think this is some sort of choice you just get to make? I want you to think about and consider what having absolutely no hearing means when you have grown up with hearing. Vibrating alarm clocks, not realizing when people are talking to you half the time, people getting frustrated because you can't understand them and saying never mind all the time because you surely aren't going to be a gifted lipreader! I am incredibly proficient at lipreading and I still miss crap all the time. ( plus people don't enunciate

) Think about everything that you know now, and take away the hearing aspect of that... it's not a walk in the park... think about employment alone... yeah, that's a blast for the Deaf community! :roll:
Listen to what I am saying... You clearly have some self acceptance issues. My lashing would be 10 fold as bad if I didn't realize you were a kid. You're a kid... you seriously need to learn to accept yourself as is. Coming to find a community where you will be accepted for a common ground off of one thing doesn't work. Nobody is going to be your friend simply because you share being deaf. We work the same way as everyone else out there... You can be deaf all you want, but we might have the opposite tastes in everything out there so we're not going to make good friends. ( Plus I'm a 27 year old medical professional and quite frankly you're 15 and based off your posts I'm not incredibly impressed ) To come to this forum to seek Deaf friends and to be active in the community is one thing. To come here and pity us, say you're losing your hearing off things that make absolutely no sense and say you WANT to be deaf... that's completely insane! You need to learn to love and accept yourself for who you are, not try to come in here and spout off things like this... this... ATROCITY of a thread and do whatever it was you were trying to do in here... This is terrible... just terrible. You know who I pity? I pity you... I pity the fact you can't accept yourself for who you are enough to be yourself and happy with it... don't you pity me for being Deaf. I accept and embrace my Deafness.