Hi, I am new hear! ;)


New Member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Hi, I am new here!, (didnt mean to offend with the other title, did not realize :

:Oops: Okay, so I guess first off is for me to say that I am hearing.

I look forward to speaking with the Deaf community and learning about the Deaf community.

I am learning ASL mixed with english in college. Unfortunately I lost a good teacher who was off to bigger and better things; but, I digress.

I am studying to be an Orthodontist, I want to be able to cater to the Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Hearing and anyone else under the sun.

I enjoy learning Sign Language and signing with people, but it is hard to find someone to sign with here where I live, I am not into our towns Deaf scene (I dont know if there is one, but I assume there is).

I have visited a deaf bar in Dallas and enjoyed my first attempts at conversing with the Deaf but I do not know that much sign yet.

I have completed an ASL 1 course in college with an A, but again I had a great teacher.

Is there a way to do video conferencing with Sign on this forum? I would like to keep it going during my holiday break between semesters.

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Hi Jordan :wave:

Welcome to AllDeaf, My son's also name is Jordan too. I choose that name also.;)

Feel free to post and make a topic we would be more than glad to post and get all the information you need. See Ya around
Hi Jordan,

Welcome to AD and hope u find the topics interesting :) Enjoy your stay
Jordan said:
:Oops: Okay, so I guess first off is for me to say that I am hearing.

I look forward to speaking with the Deaf community and learning about the Deaf community.

I am learning ASL mixed with english in college. Unfortunately I lost a good teacher who was off to bigger and better things; but, I digress.

I am studying to be an Orthodontist, I want to be able to cater to the Deaf/Hard of Hearing/Hearing and anyone else under the sun.

I enjoy learning Sign Language and signing with people, but it is hard to find someone to sign with here where I live, I am not into our towns Deaf scene (I dont know if there is one, but I assume there is).

I have visited a deaf bar in Dallas and enjoyed my first attempts at conversing with the Deaf but I do not know that much sign yet.

I have completed an ASL 1 course in college with an A, but again I had a great teacher.

Is there a way to do video conferencing with Sign on this forum? I would like to keep it going during my holiday break between semesters.


welcome aboard!! have a blast with us! :)
Clever word play!

Welcome to AD where we have moments of either silliness or seriousness.

Best of luck in your endeavors in college/career goals.

Howdy! Howdy!

Perhaps,..if you do go on to be an orthodontist,..you might remember the friends that you are going to meet here! :popcorn:
Hi Jordan,

Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay here! ;)
Hi Jordan!

Welcome to the AllDeaf forum, may you have many happy postings here!

I hope you'll do well in your orthodontist course :thumb: