Hi from UK, want to buddy up learning BSL


New Member
Apr 18, 2012
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Hi there, I'm Lynda. :wave:

I live in Kent, UK and have had degenerative hearing loss since my early 20's. I kind of enjoyed a plateau with a moderate loss both sides for about eight years but I'm now moderate-severe and falling.

My family are great and we are all going to learn BSL as I get wretchedly tired lipreading all day at work. I usually like to take my aids out for some 'peace' (tinnitus excepted) when I come home.

I hate talking on the phone. Even when I tell the caller I'm deaf most don't modify their speech to help *grumps*.

I hope to meet some people here who may want to help me with understanding BSL (signing up for September)

I live in the US but I totally want to learn BSL. A feat considering it's not used in this country. lol. I've found that youtube has some really wonderful channels for learning BSL and there's Facebook communties that have been very supportive and welcoming - even to a hearing American like me. lol Good luck!! _\m/
HI i'm Fatima. I'm currently in KY as well and I believe it's about an hour drive to UK, EKU is closer to me. I'm hearing but I'd really like to learn ASL or BSL, because it's different from SEE (not to offend anyone, but that's all I've been able to practice.) I'll be here for the summer, if you would like to practice with me. (Keep in mind that I'm really new at this :)
Hi I'm from Cornwall, England, I'm HOH & wear Digital hearing aids, great to chat.Learnt BSL1 not gone on to 2 yet as much harder. Take care luv Juliexx
HI i'm Fatima. I'm currently in KY as well and I believe it's about an hour drive to UK, EKU is closer to me. I'm hearing but I'd really like to learn ASL or BSL, because it's different from SEE (not to offend anyone, but that's all I've been able to practice.) I'll be here for the summer, if you would like to practice with me. (Keep in mind that I'm really new at this :)

you are beautiful dear
HI i'm Fatima. I'm currently in KY as well and I believe it's about an hour drive to UK, EKU is closer to me. I'm hearing but I'd really like to learn ASL or BSL, because it's different from SEE (not to offend anyone, but that's all I've been able to practice.) I'll be here for the summer, if you would like to practice with me. (Keep in mind that I'm really new at this :)

It seems you might have misunderstood- the OP is not from Kentucky. It appears that they are from Kent, in the United Kingdom (which means England in this case). BSL refers to British Sign Language which is different from ASL.

Why are you going to "only be here during the summer"?
It seems you might have misunderstood- the OP is not from Kentucky. It appears that they are from Kent, in the United Kingdom (which means England in this case). BSL refers to British Sign Language which is different from ASL.

Why are you going to "only be here during the summer"?

Point made. It's seems I can't slip past you with any mistakes. XD I'll be going to Japan in the fall. Who knows? Maybe I'll pick up on some JSL ^^

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