Hi from The Netherlands


New Member
May 18, 2014
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Hi all,

let me introduce myself. I'm Gomèr and am from The Netherlands. I was looking for some websites for my thesis today and found this website. I didn't know this exist and have registered immediately.

I was born hearing and suffered heavy hearing loss at my 2th year due to meningitis disease. Now i'm for 25 years deaf and happy, because i can use sign language, i have a lot connections to deaf people here, and i believe to have a strong deaf identity.

After my studying i will depart to Asia to meet several deaf communities for my follow up study and photography :)

Also i'm very interested in Bitcoin and hope to meet deaf people who own bitcoins too!

Have a nice day!

Hi There, Welcome to AD! It's good that you plan to travel overseas. Where in Asia do you plan to visit? I have travelled a lot of Asian countries. Lots of great places and great opportunities to take pictures.
Do you have bitcoins? :) I wish I could obtain one but unfortunately I think trading in bitcoins is illegal in India!
Cheers mate...