Hi from South Carolina


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Apr 27, 2010
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Hi, I am Reba's husband. Thought it was about time to speak for myself. :lol:

I've been signing for approximately 15 years. Reba and I serve in our deaf ministry at church. My level of experience is 4 levels of sign language classes at the local college and immersion weekends at SCCDB. I've travelled with deaf overseas as an interpreter for a foreign translator. On Christian construction projects with deaf person, I would relay instructions in sign. I'm mostly a casual signer with interest in deaf rights.

I was born and raised in Michigan, served 21 years in the Navy, and retired in 1993 in SC. Now, I own and operate a small business.

I will probably be visiting threads about motorcycles, guns, and military related. I look forward to chatting with you without having to go through "Reba". :laugh2:
Hi Sweetie. ;)

Welcome to AllDeaf. :)
Wirelessly posted

Hello Reba's Hubby!
Welcome to AD and enjoy your stay with the rest of us.
Hello! Did Reba make you join to try to win the iPad? :lol:
Hello Tincansailor, my grandad was in the royal navy for 28 years. Kevin.
oye! welcome aboard TCS! :wave:
Hey, there, TCS! Welcome to this sometimes moronic paradise. Oops, sorry about that. :lol: Oh, and thank you for your 21 years of service, Sir!
Welcome to AllDeaf TinCanSailor! My Dad and his twin were in the Navy, as was my Father-in-law. :) Thank you for your service to our country!! :ty:
Another sailor

Hello TCS,

Welcome to AD. Can't believe that it's been 26 years (Nov 84) since I left the canoe club. First my old boat (USS Mount Whitney) went coed, then bird farms, and now subs. It's a little hard to believe after all the Tailhook fuss. During my time; boats were too crowded, had too much testosterone, and little connection with home. What do you think?

Navy to allow women to serve on submarines - Yahoo! News
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