Wirelessly posted
I actually started learning sign at 5 yr old for my grandma who went deaf suddenly at age 60. She didn't keep up with it, but I did. I was mainstreamed until 6th grade, but hated the violence in my school and decided to switch to CSDB.
I was significantly hoh by the time I started taking math and science at the deaf school. There were some hoh student there with a ton of hearing. That kind of suprised me!
Thank you everyone for the tips on finding Deaf events!
Oh wow....that's really cool...AND unusual. Were there other just blind kids there too? I know that most schools for the blind now tend to have a smattering of blind kids. Most of their population tends to be blind plus, if I recall correctly. Do you think that schools for the blind are underutilzed? Did you finally get to learn Braille? (I know they've started pushing Braille literacy in the past ten years for blind/low vision kids) Do you think that if kids knew about blind schools, they would attend? Do you see corralations between the deaf school debate and the blind school debate? I remember one of our old deaf-blind posters saying that there was also a bit of debate over mainstreaming for blind/low vision kids as well. Do you think states need to create specialized academic programs for blind/.low vision students? I know that most blind kids are REALLY mainstreamed, and tend not to even get the benifit of programs like the sight saving classrooms of old (sight saving classrooms were the blind/low vision specialized classrooms that were popular in the old days, like when our parents were in school) As a result, they don't really get stuff like training in Braille literacy, or O&M and stuff like that.
And yes........I think it's SO awesome that there are HOH kids at Deaf Schools now.