Hi folks, long time no see.


May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Its been so long since I've posted on here. I am Freedom user and I am going in today to talk about getting Nuclues 5, so need an upgrade.....its been little over 5 yrs since I was implanted. One of my processor is dead and the one I wear is starting to fall apart bad lol. I am hoping that if I do get an upgrade, its much more durable, I'm pretty active.
Thought I pop in and say HI! :)
I still love my CI
Have a nice weekend
I think the Nucleus 5 is more durable than the Freedom, I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Hope you can get your upgrade! Sure sounds like you need it! :)
oh, I won't be getting it. :((
My audi said its no use in getting upgraded. So now I'm buying a new controller since mine is not working and my spare is on its last leg, but not consider replaceable yet. Fun fun.
thats bull crap. Just ask for the upgrade and pay for it. Newer technology will always be better than previous.
you never know. I've heard from folks online saying the 5 was better than the Freedom soundwise (just a bit, not a lot), and it does sound like you could use the upgrade for better durability.

I don't really know how the upgrades or replacements work, I don't have a CI yet. Just think it's odd your audie would say no to the upgrade.
he said that he don't think i can get any better than the one i have now. hearing wise

i think you have an honest audi very rare find indeed.i look at most audis as box pushing(big $$$ with little product knowledge)

thats bull crap. Just ask for the upgrade and pay for it. Newer technology will always be better than previous.

i think the audi may be right but if she wants the newer tech for management reasons she should be able to purchase the upgrade through her audi
It's also a question of that you may want the upgrade for other reasons anyway. For one, it's smaller. And it also has a remote. Just to mention a couple.
smaller is an appeal for me, better water resistance, means great when i'm on the treadmill lol, the remote is something i can live without, the idea of having a mic pointing in the back means i would hear better behind me when I'm riding on my bicycle on the trails, since N5 has front and back mic. the auto off when the magnet is not attached, very much an appeal, i can enjoy listening to music again to fall asleep, been a really long time since I've been able to do that. there was a lot about it I liked but i have to be sensible about it. I scored 77% on my hearing test for repeating back sentences. That's something my audi doesn't want to mess with and I'm with him on it.
i'm not even sure 77% is even that great.......add noises to it I'm sure I would score way lower, that's my biggest obstacle.
so why he cant put your old MAPP in your new processor? Happens alot when anlog aids die
There are tools sold to do this I believe
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