Hi everybody ! I am a french deaf student !



Hi everybody !

I am a french deaf student (junior year) in biology. I would like to improve my english. I discovered this forum and I take the decision to register.

I like to playing tennis, to hiking, to making mountain bike, going to movie theater, and so on...

I practise French Language Sign and I have a cochlear implant since 2001.

I like to studying biology and more precisely human physiology, genetic, molecular biology. I would become a searcher in human biology.

If you want to talk with me, you can writte me.


*kneels before the said student and starting hailing*

Kidding. :) Was going to play on the fact that Old French Sign Language is the origin of LSF and ASL.

Welcome to the forum!
:welcome: to AllDeaf.com

I'v been implanted in my left ear since 2001 when I was ten years old
Thank you very much for your welcome.

Lissa I have CI in my right ear. On the left ear I have an hearing aid but I wear it sometimes. CI has gave me a lot. When I was 2 years old my parents and my grandmother remark my difficulties to hear them. I was hard hearing with a light(I am not sure for this term) hearing loss. I wear an hearing aid and I speak very well. The problems had been coming when physician injected to me a vaccine against hepatitis. It's was inevitable for the junior high student at this time (I was 12 years old) in France. I lost all my hearing. It was very difficult for me. My parents took a decision. They said me: "You must learn French Language Sign (LSF in french)" and I learned it. Now I speak very well, I know LSF and I hear with CI. It's a pleasure for me. I can communicate with all the people (deaf and/or hearing). It's very important for me.
:welcome: to AD! Hope you stick around and enjoy our posts. :)
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
Bienvenue! J'étudiais le français pendant onze ans. Il était ma matière mais maintenant, j'étudie le langue des signes americaine. J'éspère que vous appreniez beaucoup ici. :wave:

et je suis desolée si mon français est très mal!

English (or what I attempted in French!)
Welcome! I studied French for 11 years. It was my major but now I'm studying American Sign Language. I hope you learn a lot here!

and sorry if my French is really bad!
Bienvenue! J'étudiais le français pendant onze ans. Il était ma matière mais maintenant, j'étudie le langue des signes americaine. J'éspère que vous appreniez beaucoup ici. :wave:

et je suis desolée si mon français est très mal!

English (or what I attempted in French!)
Welcome! I studied French for 11 years. It was my major but now I'm studying American Sign Language. I hope you learn a lot here!

and sorry if my French is really bad!

Hi everyone

Thank all for your welcome !

I am very surprise to see an answer in French !!! So where did you learn French ? I practise French Laguage Sign (LSF) since 1997 an I would like to learn ASL. I have a deaf friend who learning Spain Sign because we live near Spain. In 2006 I was applied to gallaudet university but I renounced it. It's too expensive for me and I didn't have the TOEFL level.

You can see below the correction of your writting in french.


J'ai étudié le français pendant onze ans. Elle était ma matière principale, mais maintenant j'étudie la langue des signes americaine. J'espère que vous apprendrez beaucoup ici. :wave:

et je suis desolée si mon français n'est pas très bon !

Thank you and I hope to seen you around...