Thanks a lot for the info, I'll make sure to have a look into the schools when I want to continue my education, although the longer I'm going without school and the older I get I'm a bit worried incase I'm a heck of a lot older than everyone else lol.There is large deaf population at wolverampton Uni, and another one, I think it's Derby. Most Unis are very good at providing accomodations, many many of my deaf friends are Oxford, Wolves, Derby, or local Uni's graduates.
Krissy needs to get her self strong as advocate for her needs. I couldn't sign well after leaving oral school, was provided with notetakers without fuss through my college years (college here is post 16/secondary school usually before Uni). There are Communication Support Worker which i currently uses for work, a person who supports individual needs. If I need a signer, she will sign, if i need her to write whats on the board so I can listen/lipread to teacher talking, she will do it as i cannot write and listen/lipread at sametime. Krissy needs to fight tooth and nail for accomodations.
A lot of deaf schools/units had been closing down. In Hampshire alone there is one TOD for 167 deaf kids!!! Disgusting... Hampshire refuses to send any child to deaf school.
For everyone's Information, it's from the top of my head (i think this is correct, if anyone thinks its wrong please let me know)
Preschool 3-5
Infants 5-7
Primary 7-11
Secondary 11-16
6th form/college 16-18/19
University 17/18 onwards depending on A level grades
It also depends on your age on 31st August.
You know like at certain colleges you can take evening classes as adults? Are there the same type of things available at deaf schools do you know?