Hi everyone..Im Cindy..Im brand new here....so happy I found this site.. I am profoundly deaf. When I was born, the doctor told my mother that by the time I reached adulthood I would be completely deaf. The inside of my right ear is all deformed and I had afew surgeries on it but nothing was actually done to fix it. I was already severely HOH..so all thru grade school i was in speech therapy. Well im now profoundly deaf, I wear a hearing aid in my left ear cuz I have a residule amount of hearing in it...however without the hearing aid....my world is completely silent. My biggest issue right now is being in hearing limbo..I speak very well ( except for soundin like im from Jersey alot of the time) I get told quite often..your not Deaf, Deaf people cant talk....what?????? or your just a HOH person..because you dont speak Deaf.......Again....what?????? finding it hard to meet guys, cuz as soon.as they find out..they slowly back away from me like I have a disease or something...findin work has been really tough since i lost the hearing....SO FRUSTRATING!! Hearing aid in...im a part of the land of the hearing...hearing aid out....Im not......Hearing Purgatory !!!! And put my well spoken speech in the mix...noone believes me......Should i head back to the Island of Misfit Toys? Lol...