Joshie, thank you for sharing your own experience and journey. I appreciate that a lot
Hearing loss (more than mildly) is a new thing for me over the past couple years. I'm currently calling myself hard of hearing, I'd feel wrong calling myself Deaf at this point. I am learning ASL, I know I might lose more hearing, I know I might not be able to understand speech in the future and I know HAs might not be able to "fix" that (doctors told me HAs won't get me speech discrim in my right ear anymore already, apparently amplification doesn't help me understand). If/when I reach that point, I think I'll call myself Deaf. Hopefully I'll be conversational in ASL before that happens too.
With my hearing as it is, maybe once I am proficient with sign and find the local Deaf community, maybe then if I start hanging out with other Deaf as much as I do hearing, I'd feel more appropriate calling myself Deaf. But now, this early, it feels wrong to me. I think it'd confuse people around me to say I'm Deaf. I can hear and understand voices without HAs because my left ear isn't too bad. I'm also a total newbie at sign and probably will be for more than another year.
I've read other accounts from people saying the decision to identify as Deaf is a personal one and more or less excludes actual hearing loss, the medical side. But I've also seen the opposite, where some folks feel like hearies, hoh, coda, and late deafened aren't really Deaf because they didn't go to Deaf school, can still hear some/lots, weren't raised in the Deaf community, or aren't fluent in sign. There seem to be lots of HOH and late-deafened who feel pushed away from both the Deaf and hearing communities.