Hey hey I get news abt TongueOnFire (TOF/Fuzzy)


New Member
Sep 9, 2003
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I have very very very SAD News I get msg from Mah good friend Bear..and i find out that TongureOnFire is in Riveside Hosptial in Columbus ohio the reason cuz Her's lived is FAIL so we don't know how long gonna be out of her coma so NEED REAL UR PRAY for HER BIG TIME cuz I don't know if she is gonna make or not *sigh* Bear already call Hosptial and find out that TOF is in Hosptiail due her plm health she is only 28 year old so Bear and I are gonna to Columbus ohio On Tuesday visit see her so I will keep infor to y'all abt TOF's health *sigh* i don't feel like :type: it's make me :cry: i gotta go byes

Thx for ur time
okay thanks for the notice. she'll be in our thoughts.
I can only hope and pray that TOF will recover..but as Panther has said, TOF's liver have gone into failure and etc.... it would be a terrible blow to lose TOF and we will be in mourning for a long time...
Am sorry to hear about this tof, hope she'll pull thru as she is tough person. she is in my pray too. this :angel: will watch over her .
I am sorry to hear about TOF's health. She is in my thoughts and prayer.

Get well soon, TongueOnFire !
Oh dear, *goosebumps*

I'll keep thoughts of her and will be always pray for her recovery from her coma.
Hopefully she'll wake up real soon..

Oh goodness!!! TOF is one cool Ader!!! I hope she'll pull thru and have a speedy recovery! Mind if I ask what happened to her.. did they say why her liver failed?
She been through alots. Feel bad, she been through so much. Of course, shes the coolest person and good recipes to share! I been thought of her, and didn't hear from her for weeks, and i kept ask few people, which they haven't. It make me wonder, and wish knew she doing ok there. But glad hear this news, but it not a such good new. Hope she get well soon!. Miss her so much. She will have my prayer and my thoughts right now.

If u read this, Blackietongue, miss you! :hug: (blow ONLY friendly kiss) eheh.

:( Oh, no! I hope she makes it thru and she will be in my prayers, I feel sad when I hear about that. *sigh*
Oh Dear!!! I will be praying for her and hopefully she will come out. It is so sad to hear something like that. She is a good person and I wish I had some of her receipe. Can anyone share her receipe with me.
Let me explain little more on her condition, right now as SIS lovelyblkgal said, is that her health is getting worse as far as I know she is in coma and her heart/liver is getting weaker. She have condition called Lupus diease which basically cause other organs to get weaker such as heart, livers, kidneys, muscles, etc.. If you want more information go to this site to learn about Lupus


:pray: for Tof and her family. I hope she fight for her life and get her health improve soon as possible. I miss her chatting....
I am sorry to hear that TOF is not doing well these days. I hope she makes it through, and I miss her postings on AD. :(