Hey from the UK


New Member
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hi guys.:wave:

I'm not deaf or hard of hearing - but I did learn British Sign Language to level 2 after a couple of deaf mates inspired me.

I signed up after one of my google searches picked up a thread about PINBALL (which is my hobby in a BIG way). I'll get over there now and post a reply but thought I'd better say hello first. If you're REALLY bored you can check out my blog about pinball - cunningly called The Pinball Blog :giggle:

Welcome to AllDeaf.
Cheers guys. Dunno about the Pinball Wizard tag - my current world ranking of 426 might tell a different story! But I do know some great players - I play for fun and it's a great social hobby.

Anyone in the UK should try and get involved, we have shows, meets, leagues and are a friendly bunch - I sign a little so happy to be your pinballing buddy! I'm organising the European Pinball Championships in the summer and would love to see some more deaf competitors.

An even bigger scene if you're lucky enough to live in the US, with the Vegas Hall of Fame, Pinball Expo and stacks of other shows 'n stuff - now where's that JEALOUS smiley?
Hello and welcome! I'm also from the England. I live in Birmingham.
welcome to Alldeaf,pinsanon

i do love London,England but i have boyfriend his name is James Windsor he lives there also.
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you have fun reading and posting all the threads here. See you around. :wave:
Hi! I am originally from England but... raise in USA. My God-mother and her family live in Borehamwood. God-mother and her daughter knows BSL and taught me. So I have two different language. Pinsnanon and Dreama, looking forward to chat with you someday, Cheers!
I am ready off to work, ciao!