Hey from the Half Deaf kid!

I think my school has a Deaf/HoH program, but yeah I've been in Honors classes the whole time. What ive been doing is sit in the front of the class. I sometimes get the words jumbled up, but for the most part I'm alright.
If one really, really wants to learn ASL, there's no better way to do it than to attend a school for the deaf the last two years of High School. You'd be a native signer before you graduate. This is a rare and perfect opportunity that should be taken advantage of compared to how most people acquire ASL.

That is exactly what I was thinking!!!!
I think my school has a Deaf/HoH program, but yeah I've been in Honors classes the whole time. What ive been doing is sit in the front of the class. I sometimes get the words jumbled up, but for the most part I'm alright.

If it does, that's even better! That's the best of both worlds! Go to the guidance counselor and ask if you could see if the program offers anything that could be of help to you....I'm thinking ASL classes or a Deaf Studies class or things like dhh specific accomondations.(ie notetakers, FMs maybe even a 'terp)....It rocks you're doing well academicly....but again some of the dhh accomondations could make it LOTS easier so that you don't have to work so hard. Definitly get involved with the program.......it will help you so much!
I never realized that the community was so diverse. And I am definitely planning to go to a deaf camp. It would really improve my ASL abilities. I have no teacher, but I use a dictionary and I am getting good at it.
cool i'm learning asl too if you have oovoo or skype or tango we can be practice friends
cool i'm learning asl too if you have oovoo or skype or tango we can be practice friends

That would be great. I have Skype. What would be the best time for you? School starts on Wednesday so anytime after four would be optimal.
If it does, that's even better! That's the best of both worlds! Go to the guidance counselor and ask if you could see if the program offers anything that could be of help to you....I'm thinking ASL classes or a Deaf Studies class or things like dhh specific accomondations.(ie notetakers, FMs maybe even a 'terp)....It rocks you're doing well academicly....but again some of the dhh accomondations could make it LOTS easier so that you don't have to work so hard. Definitly get involved with the program.......it will help you so much!

You know what...I've never thought of that! I think I'll do that.
You know what...I've never thought of that! I think I'll do that.

YAY! They may be reluctant and say "Oh you don't need that....you're too high functioning" (whatever that means) You're doing just fine without all those specialized things. You have a RIGHT to good quality accomondations, and to discover if those things will help you. I don't think you'll need to be placed full time in the program. (dhh programs often have self contained classrooms, as well as students who attend hearing classes with 'terps) but if they have a deaf studies class and or an ASL class those are something that could DEFINTILY help you. Argue that you want to become fluent in ASL to be proactive just in case you lose more hearing...as well as the fact that the more tools you have the better......Maybe too you could argue that it could give you an edge... the more tools you have, the easier it will be for you to learn and thus achieve. Also argue that you have the right to learn how to function without your hearing aid. Right now you're HA dependent. ASL will give you freedom, in that it will give you the abilty to function without your hearing techonolgy. The world is not a soundbooth....technology has it's limits...you always will have your hands! I know you know this, but hearing teachers/admins who think ASL is obsolete or not useful now that we have technology don't. You might get the argument that Sign is obsolete, and there's no reason to learn it....In which case you could bring up the Braille argument.... For ages Braille was very unpopular in Blind ed....It was argued that it was obscure and that technology (ie books on tape, screen readers, large print) would drive it to extinction. (sound familiar?) I know someone who even went to Perkins School for the Blind and NEVER learned Braille! Anyway, a few years ago they did some research.. The blind community has a very high rate of unemployment...Of those who were employed most were Braille fluent!
That could be true for Dhh........(ASL unpopular in Deaf ed but fluency in it could lead to advantages or an "edge")
I'm not saying that ASL is the ONLY piece of the puzzle.....There are many different pieces of the puzzle.....But ASL could be a REALLY important piece of the puzzle for you. You've already got Honors classes......Hearing colleges aren't really all that impressed by HOH kids who went through the mainstream any more, the way they did in the '60's and '70's, unless of course they're REALLY high acheivers...(like super highly gifted...Think say a deaf Sheldon Cooper) There are other pieces of the puzzle that could give you an edge....
With the dime a dozen high acheivers, colleges are looking for people who stand out or who have special skills........
forgot to add.....I have a hunch that usage of the dhh program, getting fluent in ASL and hopefully Deaf camp this coming summer will help you a LOT...
There are a plethora of Deaf camp oppertunties.....You could go to your state school's program, the NTID or Gally camps ....and if you're religious there are some religious Deaf camps (like Bill Rice)
I'm 16, and ive been half deaf since birth. I am new to ASL, but I'm getting very good at it. I only have one question: are we who have Single Sided Deafness included in the deaf community?:wave::aw:

All are welcome ,doesn't matter how much hearing loss you have ,what matters if your willing and able to learn and open mindness w/o prejudice ,I think you will greatly benefit from it ,so put your worries aside an be positive and just jump right in ,promise we don't bite,lol

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Tony Thompson of Alaska

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