Hey everyone


New Member
Oct 28, 2012
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So my name is Corey Dobbs. I have been hoh for most all of my life and I found out a few months back that I have an extreme chance of going deaf in both my ears. I am very new to all of this and I am excited to meet and talk to people. I live in Washington and was born and raised here. I am a college student who lives with his four best friends and has a blast. I try my best not to let life get me down and I hope to make lots of friends.
Welcome to All Deaf

Hey Corey, welcome to alldeaf.com. :welcome:

Am also hoh, and I had been trying to cope up with the hearing world... but it was so hard, frustration, isolation...

Things changed when I joined the deaf community. I learned sign language and made so many friends. Right now life is cool as usual.


That's what I am hoping can happen with me^.^ can't wait to make friends
:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. That is exactly what we have been trying to say to hearing people about how important we need to have accommodations for children and adults in our every day lives. I like what pogy said telling us the truth like being blunt.

I hope you have fun reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave:
Corey, could you take a year at NTId or Gally? That would be awesome as you could become fluent in ASL through immersion.
I haven't heard of those places before, I really do love the culture I am becoming apart of and was very happy to find this site. I really hope to educate myself and really become an active member in this community of ours.

Where are those schools at and what kina of things do they offer if I may ask?