Hey, Do anybody have seen the movie about "jumper"


New Member
Sep 26, 2006
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Jumper sound cool!!!
I wanna go to the cinema with CC on this weekend. I am biiiiiig curious about it.
That movie will be OC next week in my area. I'll be seeing that with a friend. :)
I saw it, too. I thought it was an original movie, and I enjoyed it.
hello everyone,

we went to cinema "jumper" it was cool, he could visit all on the world :) *whoaaa* i enjoyed to watch there.

I will put next new movie, when i saw it yesterday.
I never see it yet, but I would love to see it soon. It seems like it is a really good movie!
Yeah...you are very lucky that you get to see it next week!!!

I'm glad it's next week because I have coupons that let me buy passes for any movie at Regal Cinema for $6.

However, those passes are only valid for movies that are more than 2 weeks old.

I remember in Rochester when they had a bunch of movies coming out as OC within 1 or 2 weeks of official release. I would try planning for daytime shows since nighttime tickets were $9! :(
I saw it on a preview on t.v. It looks like it would be a good movie. I'd wait til it comes out in the video store.
I just saw the movie recently... great movie!

After doing some research, I found a few interesting things...

The movie is based on a book of the same name in 1992.

In 2005, a second book was written by the same author called "Reflex". This story follows two characters from Jumper. One character is abducted and brainwashed to do evil deeds, while the other learns to 'jump' and attempts to track down the first person.

After the movie was made, a third book was written by the same author... "Jumper: Griffin's Story". This book is a spin-off prequel to the movie. It follows the past of another character in the movie whose parents, friends, and family were killed by mysterious assassins. He eventually goes from being the hunted to being the hunter after these mysterious assassins.

Just before the movie was released, a graphic novel was released... "Jumper: Jumpscars". This book was made by two people... not the original author of the other books. This story follows the life of two characters from the movie from when they were Paladins in the past.

Rumor has it that Reflex might be made into a movie with the same actors and actresses. As for the other two, it could happen.

Remember The Mummy Returns? That movie had a character called "The Scorpion King". Well, they made a spin-off prequel called The Scorpion King. Well, "Jumper: Griffin's Story" is a spin-off prequel based on a character in the main movie. So, it could happen.

When Transformers came out in theaters, a graphic novel was also released... a prequel to the movie. No movie has been made on that, but who knows.
i saw it i didn't think it was that great could of been better although the action scene were pretty cool.
Hello folks,

Yes, I recently went to see a movie called "Jumper" and now am waiting for Blu-Ray movie soon. It was very good movie. Also, I heard rumor about Jumper 2 (Time Travel) coming through google searching.
