Jiro, cuz he's said annoyingly ignorant things in the past and I thought it was done with months ago. You probably wouldn't like it if someone was telling someone else to try dating your gf, it's not very polite.
Some people just don't learn...
If, say perchance, this OP was neurologically or mentally impaired, inhibited by methods or means that s/he is incapable of utilizing their critical comprehension to the fullest extent that most of the good public could achieve, would one still continually steadfast towards their original statement? and/or assessment?
Just ONE shy ??
1. I have a girlfriend, who is ON alldeaf so for you, PowerOn, to say that was pretty rude and ignorant on your part
2. I don't date long distance
3. I love Grace so this works in favor of no one but her and I
just ignore poweron. he loves to make bitchy gals really UMAD! that's what I do is to ignore poweron. :fruit:
just ignore poweron. he loves to make bitchy gals really UMAD! that's what I do is to ignore poweron. :fruit: