Help me understand why...

Hey Sabrina, Out Of Curious Have Ur Friends Stay In Calif For More Than One Month Or So ??? If They Haven't Then I Suggest U To Tell Them To Stay In Calif For A Month As Vacation And See How They Like Up There While They Can Ask Round The Folks Up There About Their Sitautions And Opinions Etc And Maybe They Might Change Their Mind Once They Open Their Eyes To See What's Realty Come Out Of The Smokes ...
Cheri said:
I thought you cannot get SSI While Working?

while have SSI, allow to have only part-time - earn up to $500 max. :crazy: Less $900 isn't enough.

I need CAR!!!!
illustrator said:
while have SSI, allow to have only part-time - earn up to $500 max. :crazy: Less $900 isn't enough.

I need CAR!!!!

So you only allow to earn 500.00 a Month Max? instead of 900.00 a month Max then u can still have SSI Do you think it is worth it?
Cheri said:
So you only allow to earn 500.00 a Month Max? instead of 900.00 a month Max then u can still have SSI Do you think it is worth it?

long time ago was different time, daughter. :)

more money earn, I can get better lifestyle I wanted.
I agree that SSI/SSDI should be used only for medical reasons or students.. I accept it cuz student go school to get degree to get better job.

My ex girlfriend several years ago before I met my ex wife. She was on SSI and I leture her many times go get job!!! She just being lazy... spent on junks... I told her damn it get the job and it'll make you a better person as you will have pride, feel good that you acheieve something... she doesn't believe me... I just fed up with her. Now she still struggling from what I heard... Let her learn her lesson!!! She'll realize it's too late if she keep this stupid habits! She just heard I have GOOD JOB... she got jealous.. hmmm now she's learning something... ;)

My fiancee is amazing, she won't go on SSDI/SSI ... she knows SHE CAN DO it...she did not give up on looking for job here when we got engaged couple months ago, she move and look, won't apply for SSDI/SSI she has good job and she's happy with it cuz she have pride, diginity! :) I applause for her!! :)
The reason for what you are seeing COULD be that a lot of the time, Medicaid is tied in with SSI, and many people like me can't afford to lose SSI, or they will also lose their Medicaid. Therefore, they are forced to make a choice. I can tell you that if I could work, I would.
Yes. I remember reading that 80% of people on SSI/Disabilty said they wanted to work. Not all of us are lazy asses. I understand what you're seeing Meg, as my mom sees a TON (and I mean a TON) of welfare slackers in her work (she's a MCH nurse for a public community health care center) and people who don't have a place to live, but who go out and spend money on purebred poodles or T-bones and ribs.
However stats say that most people on welfare are on it legimiatly...and the majority of the "cheats" are actually pretty mild.(not at all in the welfare queen league) They usually "cheat" on things like childcare, or warm clothes or the like. It's quite hard to survive on the amount of money the government gives you!
I remember reading that dhh kids are more likely then other kids to have additional disabilties or medical conditions. For example there are tons of dhh with kidney issues. Even an orthapedic issue can make it complicated to work.
I'm not saying there are NO lazy dumbasses....there are many lazy dumbasses out there. However it sounds like they'd be lazy dumbasses even if they were hearing or had no disabilties or other health issues.
Many otherwise a/b folks can't work b/c they can't find a job that pays enough money to cover both bills/cost of living expenses AND the additional expenses that their disabilty incurs. Some people out there are saying that some of the orally educated dhh will not have to deal with the things that we have to deal with today....but most oral deaf have HUGE medical bills b/c they can't function at ALL without hearing aids or CIs (and not all costs associated with a CI are covered!...Things like MAPs and batteries and rehab aren't covered. Yes, some of them have good insurance now, but that's not always gonna be the case.
Most full jobs provides same benfiet as medicaid, plus coverage at dentist.
No. Only about 1% of insurances cover hearing aids. Medicaid generally does cover hearing aids!
I totally agree with deafdyke, That there are too many People who are on Welfare and Some people cheat the system by not reporting all the income they earn, Or used Food Stamps for buying Drugs,. Some physicians, pharmacists, and others have been overpaid because they have made up false bills. Those who cheat the program make them work to repay it all back. I am Sick of People who Cheat on Government funds when they know they can Hide the facts from Welfare and even SSI/SSA/SSDI...Even if they are not truthful on how much they make or working under table it would come back and Haunt those who cheat on the Government System.
I want to get off the rsdi but I dont have choice.. I am stuck stay home with kids.. I hate to say this..... I have reasons.. Also, I am not on welfare programs at all.. (no food stamps, or public assistances.. or housing programs.. )

I am more likely a normal life like working people.. paying bills, paying insurances, paying our own rent house.. (over 1,200 a mo).. with my man's income too..
MsGiglz said:
I want to get off the rsdi but I dont have choice.. I am stuck stay home with kids.. I hate to say this..... I have reasons.. Also, I am not on welfare programs at all.. (no food stamps, or public assistances.. or housing programs.. )

I am more likely a normal life like working people.. paying bills, paying insurances, paying our own rent house.. (over 1,200 a mo).. with my man's income too..

Girly ;You have 6 Kids that a good Excuse to stay home and be a full time Mommy, U do work but at home taking care of Your Children, Paying Bills and Doing their Laundry that is work that is not like being Lazy at home..U got nothing to worry about Sweetie.
That there are too many People who are on Welfare and Some people cheat the system by not reporting all the income they earn, Or used Food Stamps for buying Drugs,. Some physicians, pharmacists, and others have been overpaid because they have made up false bills. Those who cheat the program make them work to repay it all back. I am Sick of People who Cheat on Government funds when they know they can Hide the facts from Welfare and even SSI/SSA/SSDI.
Huh? I never said anything like that. It does irritate me when I hear about welfare fraud but welfare fraud is pretty much minmal. Not saying it doesn't happen....b/c it DOES. However it doesn't happen as often as a lot of people think. Only a very small percentage of our taxes go to human services. All in all, you'll probaly only contribuating a penny a year to stupid slackers. However CORPARATE welfare and defense spending is something to get really rilled about. I remember reading that everyone contribuates something like over a thousand dollahs annually towards corparate welfare(and I have NO IDEA why McDonald's needs my money to market French fries in Fiji) and only about $25.00 towards human services sort of things. Defense spending is even worse. Anyone remember the days of the thousand dollar toilets that the Pentagon bought in Reagan's day?
Yeah... don't move to California... there's tons of people, and the State of California really does not really have the funds to give that much to every person on SSDI.

I know... I'm from and still in California. I have to live at my parents, even when I was living on my own, I couldn't afford having my own place without my parents pitching in from under the table. Apartments are expensive, and people do need roommates to live on the wages available in California.

I'm stuck in California because I have a great part-time opportunity in the Fall and I want to take it for the experience. In the meantime, I'm still looking for a full-time job so I can move closer to the college I'll be teaching at. If I feel that I haven't found a good job in California by January of next year, I will consider moving to a different state with a lower cost of living.
deafdyke said:
Huh? I never said anything like that.

No, I Meant was I agree with you that Tons of People are on Welfare.. All the rest of the wording are my Opinions....
I agree with you that Tons of People are on Welfare
But I did not say anything like that. There are many people on welfare but most people are on it legitimately and as a way to get through a rough patch.
Welfare does not...and I repeat does not encourage laziness no matter what the Republicans would have you think. There are some lazy ass folks on it...but they are the minority (thank god)
deafdyke said:
But I did not say anything like that. There are many people on welfare but most people are on it legitimately and as a way to get through a rough patch.
Welfare does not...and I repeat does not encourage laziness no matter what the Republicans would have you think. There are some lazy ass folks on it...but they are the minority (thank god)
I agree! used to be a lot of women on welfare, more babies they have, more money they get from Government but they put stop to that now!! and it works!
they offer training for jobs and all so they can get a job, dont they?
then some do need welfare if they cannot work at all, disabled or serious illness so im not putting anybody down for drawing welfare nowdays, they have to have a good reason before they can do that.
knightwolf68 said:
Hey Sabrina, Out Of Curious Have Ur Friends Stay In Calif For More Than One Month Or So ??? If They Haven't Then I Suggest U To Tell Them To Stay In Calif For A Month As Vacation And See How They Like Up There While They Can Ask Round The Folks Up There About Their Sitautions And Opinions Etc And Maybe They Might Change Their Mind Once They Open Their Eyes To See What's Realty Come Out Of The Smokes ...

She planned to stay in California for a good. Some of her relatives live out there. :dunno:
Gosh, I didnt realize that I opened the can of worms here! Thanks guys for fascinating opinions.

I wanted to make it clear that I was referring to those who already have part time job and wont take more hours as they don't want to quit SSDI even though they are with a well established agency.

I know that many do need SSDI or SSI ...not only the deaf but with other disaibilities. I am not here to judge their reasons but I do judge people who ALREADY have a job and can do so much with their jobs if motivated enough.

One thing I notice is that people on SSDI and working part time are not as movitated as others without SSDI or "security blanket" because they couldn't care less if they lose the job as they always have SSDI to fall back on. That frustrates me because we all have to take leap of faith in life and I see many deaf people dont have much faith in themeselves, whether it is in jobs or social life or whatnot. And I hear them repeating over and over how life sucks and how hearing folks are oppressing them.

Mind you, I am not referring to ALL of the deaf folks so don't take it personally :)
I totally agree with you Meg on that One..
There some people who working under table too and still collects SSI/SSA/SSDI And Do not tell them what other income they have they hide it from them to get Money from SSI/SSA/SSDI I Think to me it means they are greedy and unfair because there are people that needs it more than they do.
If people get caught working more than they should while collecting SSI, they will be really faced with a fine of 10K in American dollars the last time I knew in 2001.

Receiving SSI in a very dishonest way and when you CAN work without anything stopping you won't get anyone respect, much less getting self-respect.