What you're not understanding is that this issue is a DAILY issue. Day after day after day we get brand new posters ( such as yourself ) that don't introduce themselves, and just hop right in to HELP ME WITH MY HOMEWORK! Would you ever just go up to someone and ask for help with homework without properly introducing yourself? No, it's rude and lacks tact. Now, if you introduce yourself it's because I've called you on it and doesn't make up for your prior lack of manners.
Secondly, we get a million and one threads started to help students every day. Seriously, every friggin student in ASL hops on here and just jumps right in! No, hello how are you? No formal convos or anything. you just wait so damn last minute for your assignment so you have to jump right in! So rude.... You act rude, you're going to get rude and short replies, you asked for it.
Lastly, I'll state again, you think you're the only one on here to ask for help with homework? It happens on the daily, and nothing is quite as annoying as logging on seeing that you've missed 800 requests to help ASL students with their assignments. Do you know what that's like? Well, it makes you feel like a damn lab rat as previously quoted. Oh look, this student wants to make an account here and interview me. They don't want to get to know me, talk to me, introduce themselves or ANYTHING! They just want to use me to pass their assignment.
Well, good luck because I'm pretty sure you're not going to find your student answers here with that attitude and approach.