Help! If cancelling AOL..

wtf? i used aol and aim same sn...then i cancelled the aol, im still using same sn but at aim. the buddy list from aol is still same at aim buddy list. nothing changed, but can't email same sn at or whatever.
vvti low rolla said:
wtf? i used aol and aim same sn...then i cancelled the aol, im still using same sn but at aim. the buddy list from aol is still same at aim buddy list. nothing changed, but can't email same sn at or whatever.
but you will need to change email address in case you forgot your password to your new email address instead of AOL.. I forgot where in AIM to do that but I think under "account setting" you will see your old aol address there just change it to your new one and AOL/AIM will send two email one to your old and one to new one..

don't worry about the email that is sent to old address. because no one at old address will verify or reject the change. just go to your new address and verify that you made the change.

Now from there, you can request password if you forgot. if you don't change email address, you will never get it if you forgot the password to sign in aim!