HELP!! How do I set my new SK 4G to vibrate repeatedly?


New Member
Mar 20, 2011
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Hi everyone! :wave:

I have been owning the Sidekicks since January 2004. Yesterday I got the new SK 4G and have to learn all over again. I would like to know where or how can I find the one that really can vibrate pretty strong for my new SK 4G. On my SK LX 2009 my sound profile was telephone. It was used to be a siren but had to change it to telephone.

Please let me know ASAP. :ty:

Hi everyone! :wave:

I have been owning the Sidekicks since January 2004. Yesterday I got the new SK 4G and have to learn all over again. I would like to know where or how can I find the one that really can vibrate pretty strong for my new SK 4G. On my SK LX 2009 my sound profile was telephone. It was used to be a siren but had to change it to telephone.

Please let me know ASAP. :ty:


I do not know if SK 4G had a Android Market. Trying to download "Strong Vibrate" or "Vibrate Tools". Please let me know
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Wirelessly posted (sent from a smartphone. )

Sidekick 4G runs on Android OS platform. On my Samsung Captivate, there are no customizable profiles for vibrates. Im not sure if Tmobile added custom profiles for the phone. Sidekick 4g and my phone uses similar hardware, though.
Hi everyone! ... I would like to know where or how can I find the one that really can vibrate pretty strong for my new SK 4G ...

You may be able to use apps (programs) from the Market to help. If you are using Gmail for your email, you can download the free "Gmail Notifier" so you can set notification options for vibrate and repeat vibrate number of times for how long. For text messages you can use a better free program from Market such as Handcent or GoSMS Pro, since they let you set vibration notification and repeat the vibrate, too.

Hope that may help.
MyTouch 3G does vibrate when I get E mails. I have to figure how to get it to vibrate for text messages. I may switch from this to Sidekick 4G
Just call T Mobile tech support. They can remote into your device and gladly to show you where to download if you approve/allow them...