Hey guys! Here's my situation: As I have stated else where on the board I work at UPS with two other deaf guys on my shift, the three of us all have a common interest, we want to become drivers for the company. Keeping in mind that there are quite a few deaf and HoH drivers within the company nationwide. However, what the problem is our union doesn't want to fight for us to become drivers due to 'safety concerns', we are currently awaiting a decision from the union office wither or not to help us. We'll be having another ADA meeting in a few weeks, which should yield their decision.
My question for you is where could I get information regarding deaf and HoH drivers so I can walk into the meeting with an excellent argument if the union goes against us? Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys
My question for you is where could I get information regarding deaf and HoH drivers so I can walk into the meeting with an excellent argument if the union goes against us? Any help or opinions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks guys