Help about becoming Switzerland citizenship?!

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why don't you stop playing games? you're confusing me. you said your kids are 19 and 24 and are living with you. I said that when I was 19 and 24... I was living on my own. and then you're rambling around about I.Q.??? :confused:

stop speaking in tongues!

My quote:
Oh man, if she's smart enough, she wouldn't come here to ask us those questions. RIGHT?

Your reply: huh? what?

Are you still lost? It has nothing to do with my kids. Please reread each post of ours after that. I think you are drunker than me. :lol:

what questions?
WTF? *smh*

so are you saying she's stupid and not old enough?????
Nope, I am saying that she's young and still learning so that's why she's here.

nah. better to fine them than to imprison them.
But still why?
Oh wow, hey CP, you need to calm down.


The picture is from Jiro
Oh wow, hey CP, you need to calm down.


The picture is from Jiro
WUT? I just replied to his posts like he did replying to mine. Why didn't he calm down? I bet you kiss his ass alot, don't you? Don't forget to wash it off your lips everytime. Have a good nite! :wave:

My quote:
Oh man, if she's smart enough, she wouldn't come here to ask us those questions. RIGHT?

Your reply: huh? what?

Are you still lost? It has nothing to do with my kids. Please reread each post of ours after that. I think you are drunker than me. :lol:

WTF? *smh*
look at your reply -

Oh man, if she's smart enough, she wouldn't come here to ask us those questions. RIGHT?

I can tell that you don't know deaf culture very well. Did I say that before in older threads? Oh well, some deaf people feel helpless so they depend on others. Did you know?

what does your reply about deaf culture and deaf people have to do with your daughter???? your daughter is not deaf.

Nope, I am saying that she's young and still learning so that's why she's here.
so was I. I was young and I learned a lot when I lived on my own and of course my parents gave me advices and pointers along the way. your daughter's not going to learn much by staying at your home because she's too busy being too comfortable at your home. that's how kids get spoiled and lazy. ever wonder where kids get gimme gimme gimme attitude?

when kids get older and continue to stay at home... they don't have to clean the house... do laundry.... cook foods.... do bills.... etc. instead... they say gimme food. gimme clean clothes. gimme cable tv. gimme gimme gimme!!!

But still why?
because..... if you imprison them... you have to pay for it.... and you're not getting your dime back! duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Don't forget that her college is not what we consider college, as far as a 4 year school full of experiences and growth, plus that pesky learning.

Her college is more like a vocational school or an associate's degree, but she'd still have to go to a university for many years to get an undergraduate degree.

I feel like I can sum up this entire argument of hers. "I wanna do something stupid and irresponsible and dangerous and you're all being so meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen by telling me the truth! *stomps feet like a toddler* I don't wanna do any research, I demand you tell me what I want! *writhes on the ground kicking heels and smashing fists like a toddler*

We can only hope she'll threaten to stop breathing, hold her breath until she passes out, gets quiet, and decides to engage her brain. Part of that is pure toddler, the other part, alas, requires maturity.

diehardbiker, I can guarantee you that I'm awesome online and I ****ing rock offline! ;-)
why aren't they living on their own? :ugh:

when I was 18.... I lived in Virginia myself for college.
when I was 24.... I lived in my own apt myself.

I was still living with my mom at 18 years old.

At 24, I was pregnant and a college student. :lol:
This thread is....


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I do not want to go to university, anymore.

You don't need University. Your boyfriend and you can each get a car with turbocharged engine. Both of you would take turns bragging about your engines. Just be sure you have a car in your name in case he leaves you. You would have your own car. You would show different guys each day the beauty of driving something turbocharged. Maybe you would even inspire guys to want to drive something turbocharged. That would be more valuable than what a college education would be worth.
It looks like she finished college.

Wow, still no job.
An 18-year-old college graduate? In her case, I don't think so.

Remember, the UK educational system is set up differently than the USA.

When she said finished with college, maybe she meant she's quit college and isn't interested in continuing her education. :dunno:
why aren't they living on their own? :ugh:

when I was 18.... I lived in Virginia myself for college.
when I was 24.... I lived in my own apt myself.
I admit that I didn't leave home until I was 19 but I was working full time (60 hrs/wk) when I was 18.

When I was 19, I joined the Navy and never again lived with my parents.

My daughter's rule with my grandsons is that after high school they either have to attend school full time, work full time, or work and go to school both part time. No one will be allowed to just stay home doing nothing.
Oh man, if she's smart enough, she wouldn't come here to ask us those questions. RIGHT?

I can tell that you don't know deaf culture very well. Did I say that before in older threads? Oh well, some deaf people feel helpless so they depend on others. Did you know?
One doesn't need a high IQ to work. The world still needs non-college workers.

She's not job searching--she's looking for love in all the wrong places, and playing on-line games instead of acquiring job skills. She's looking for an easy out, not hard work.
Looks at the map of Switzerland.

It is next to France, Austria, Italy and Germany. I thought it is a part of EU.

But I do not need another guys because they are just stupid, the way they will hurt me so bad. If I was hurting by someone else, like my ex-boyfriends. They hurted me and broke me up. I do not need them and I never seek up for another guys.

I prefer my Swiss boyfriend but he will care for me and being strong overprotective me when we will meet up. You know what I mean.
Looks at the map of Switzerland.

It is next to France, Austria, Italy and Germany. I thought it is a part of EU.

But I do not need another guys because they are just stupid, the way they will hurt me so bad. If I was hurting by someone else, like my ex-boyfriends. They hurted me and broke me up. I do not need them and I never seek up for another guys.

I prefer my Swiss boyfriend but he will care for me and being strong overprotective me when we will meet up. You know what I mean.

you know Swiss people don't speak English well? It may be French, German, or Italian language.
Don't forget the old saying

"Grass may look greener on other side of fence, but in reality both sides have same color of grass" So if you think Swiss guys are better than your local guys, your in grave trouble! The truth is there are bunch of azzhole swiss guy out there as far as I know. Im not presume that your swiss boyfriend may be azzhole, but the chances DOES exists, and your playing two dices, hopefully it comes back as 7 not any other number.

I prefer my Swiss boyfriend but he will care for me and being strong overprotective me when we will meet up. You know what I mean.
...I prefer my Swiss boyfriend but he will care for me and being strong overprotective me when we will meet up. You know what I mean.
No, I don't. Tell me what you mean.

Will he support you financially and provide you with a home?
Don't forget the old saying

"Grass may look greener on other side of fence…."
Erma Bombeck said it was because the other grass was growing over a septic tank. :giggle:
Thats exact same rule I have that applies to both of my sons. I will allow my son live with me as long as he gets job, I don't care if it means flipping burgers or go to RIT. I prefer BOTH, my oldest son thinks Im crazy. If he gets both, they will see their own rewards in the end. If they are over 17 years, no school, no job? Bye, move on! There won't be any excuse except any medical related issues.

My daughter's rule with my grandsons is that after high school they either have to attend school full time, work full time, or work and go to school both part time. No one will be allowed to just stay home doing nothing.
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