

New Member
Aug 6, 2011
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Hello everyone,

First, medical background: I was diagnosed in 2005 with a mild hearing loss due to my auditory nerve breaking down. It was said to eventually lead me to become deaf but there was no timeline laid out. As it is neurological there is no way to prevent/stop it and so I started some kind of grieving process.

6 years later (this summer), my hearing loss was evaluated as moderate and I am still functioning in the hearing world with HAs. I did though stopped denying how rapidly it's decaying and that I need to prepare myself for the future quite rapidly.

I started learning sign language (LSQ as I am in Quebec and know french + english... I don't know any ASL classes in Montreal) 6 years ago but without practicing it I lost most of it. Now I got back into it and want to focus myself into learning more and making more deaf friends so I have a circle and support for when I stop hearing completely.

Now for the personal facts: My name is Leah and I am 26 years old. I was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada but lived in Montreal for the past 4 years. I am finishing a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education to become a kindergarten teacher. I am also a Jew (just thought I'd throw that out there!) but struggling in my observance as adapting my life to my current condition requires me to break certain religious laws.

Anyway, just thought I'd say hi, and please, if you reside within the Montreal area, feel free to contact me so we can become friends! ^_^
This is a test

I tried posting an intro, never appeared after 24 hrs... Testing to see if I can post!

EDIT: Oh! It worked now! Stand-by for a proper intro!
Alright. HOH girl soon to be deaf who wants to be Deaf. (From Montreal)

Hiiii!!! :wave:

As my previous post was saying, I already tried to make an introduction but it never got up the board apparently.

So let's talk medical facts: My hearing problems are hereditary and are of the neurological kind. Make a long story short: My auditory nerve is degrading slowly and I was diagnose HOH 6 years ago progressing towards deafness. I've been in denial mostly during those years but recently I decided to prepare myself instead of moping! I want to be proudly Deaf before becoming deaf I would say. I've been wearing HAs for the last 6 years (unitron... don't remember the model though...) and I'm getting new HAs in a month or so from Oticon (Epoq RITE, any good?).

Now the personal facts: I'm living in Montreal, Canada but I'm originally from Ottawa. I'm a Jerd (Combined Jew/Nerd!) and proud of it! I know both English and French (and Hebrew) but as far as signing goes I know basic LSQ (Quebec Signing Language) and some ASL but as I said, I wanna prepare myself for what's coming so I need to learn way more! Can't think of a lot more at the moment but feel free to come and chat with me! :D
Thank you!

Apparently I've been able to create this thread BUT my intro keeps coming back as "needs to be approved by a moderator"... I don't understand...
My early posts gave me that message. I think it's just because you're new. It should show up eventually.
Hiiii!!! :wave:

As my previous post was saying, I already tried to make an introduction but it never got up the board apparently.

So let's talk medical facts: My hearing problems are hereditary and are of the neurological kind. Make a long story short: My auditory nerve is degrading slowly and I was diagnose HOH 6 years ago progressing towards deafness. I've been in denial mostly during those years but recently I decided to prepare myself instead of moping! I want to be proudly Deaf before becoming deaf I would say. I've been wearing HAs for the last 6 years (unitron... don't remember the model though...) and I'm getting new HAs in a month or so from Oticon (Epoq RITE, any good?).

Now the personal facts: I'm living in Montreal, Canada but I'm originally from Ottawa. I'm a Jerd (Combined Jew/Nerd!) and proud of it! I know both English and French (and Hebrew) but as far as signing goes I know basic LSQ (Quebec Signing Language) and some ASL but as I said, I wanna prepare myself for what's coming so I need to learn way more! Can't think of a lot more at the moment but feel free to come and chat with me! :D

Oticons are very good! I have a 3rd set of Oticon hearing aids and they're great for my pretty severe loss
my 2nd ones are crap due to them being 6 and having a severe hearing loss :D you should get a hearing aid that looks simaliar to mine.
Hello. Glad you finally got your introduction posted. I am sure you will learn a lot and make friends here if you stick around.

I didn't think this would be sooooooooo complicated! lol! Thanks everyone for the warm welcoming!
Hello lilybear and welcome to AllDeaf (AD) :welcome:

There are quite a few Canadians here on AD so hopefully you'll find someone who lives nearby.

I was going to point you to the 'Adjustment to late onset deafness' thread as it will be useful to you and your situation, but I think you've found it.

I'm also an Oticon HA user :wave:

what religious laws does being HoH make you break? just curious.
Easy, no on/off switching on shabbat is an easy one... Includes strobe lights, HAs, etc.

I have a really good friend from my time at Gallaudet. He too wears HAs and has the same challenges. He tried to explain to me why they have these rules and I just could never "get it". But I know he and his HOH wife go through a ritual one or two days before shabbat so they don't have to go without their HA and light and hot food and such. I have an enourmous amount of respect for him and he is one of the smartest people I know.

If you are looking for other HA users with similar experiences to yours, I would be happy to arrange an introduction (via email of course).
That would be very interesting to know what ritual you are talking about, that'd help me greatly! :)
:wave: I'd be interested too - am not frum but would still like to know. Maybe I can look it up...

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