


I am a new member here and I thought this would help me locate my old, old friend named Pam Bullins. I met her when we were students at the North Carolina School for the Deaf way back in the 1970's. I have been searching for her for a couple months now! :( Anybody knows her, or knows of her? Well, Pam, if you happen to be a memeber here, too, I would love to hear from you!
Many thanks!
Welcome to AD and best of luck in finding your friend, Pam. :) Hope you hang around and make the neat discovery of how educational, entertaining and friendly this site is! :thumb: :applause:
:wave: welcome to AD deaffemme enjoy ur stay and hopefully ur friend Pam gets in touch with u!
Hello! I am Sorry I do Not know Someone By that name.. But I hope you find her :) :fingersx:

Beside Welcome to Alldeaf.. Hope you will be posting with us and Enjoy this Site..... ;)

Hi deaffemme ,

Welcome to AllDeaf.....I'm truly sorry I don't know who that is but I hope you find her...

Glad to have you join us....See you around ! :grouphug:
Hello... I am a 1995 North Carolina School for the Deaf graduate.

I know many NCSD folks who graduated in the 1970s, but I do not know Pam. However, I can help you to find her through a group of 1970's NCSD graduates.

So please email me.
Sorry, don't know who that is, but I do hope you find what you are looking for.

This is a really great place to hang out. :)

