Hello Tweetybird,
I'm very confused in right here.
Why would you get that surgery? What kind of health Problems? I need to know, since I know about that surgery and etc like that which I had experience already...
My half sister, Holly's mother(not my mom) had that surgery, she was around over 300 lbs, maybe 400 lbs. Not sure. And, she explained me about that surgery, doctor asked her alot questions and gave her an approve for surgery so she made it... It's taking her to heal up for 3 months because it's pain as HELL when she gets up from the bed or chair, walk too. And, she had to eat liquid food like, baby food, alot of water(no soda, sweet juice, iced tea, hot tea, coffee, etc) very limit food to making stomach to get USE to it for between 6 months to a year. But she made it also, she does lose some of weight BUT had to excrise EVERYDAY like, walk for maybe 2 miles, sit-up for around 50 times three times in a day, etc like that. She got that surgery because of her back and too over weight for her age and tall, she's only 6'0" and around 38 years old on that time I think... And, she's still chubby right now since last time I saw her was maybe two years ago or less than that. She looks good but alot work to improve her stomach and everything like that, I'm serious.
Now, let me explain you about my experience... Holly's mother DID suggest me to get that surgery because in Michigan, they allow people who is over 200 lbs to getting that surgery for a very good reason. So, I went to see doctor that's where she went to. He asked me ALOT and ALOT questions! Wow, like... "Do you have aids?", "do you have Hep A/B/C?", etc et INCLUDE he asked me if I have depression to eating all the time. I told him that I had it in the past but not now anymore, he said it's not good for me to getting that surgery because that kind of depression will ALWAYS come back no matter what. I was like what... Then he explained to me if I get that surgery then in a day later, maybe four months later or so, I end up become depression and eat and eat and eat, can't stop so it will torn stomach where they stinch*sp* and cause alot of trouble happen... So, I accepted his unapprove me to getting that surgery... And even, he asked me about Sugar Dibeatic if I have, I don't have it but in my family they does... Then, he explained me about that too.. If I have sugar dibaetic, I can't stop to taking the pills or whatever to help sugar dibaetic, even if it's gone and DON'T EVEN STOP! Because they will always come back also! People can't remove anything from their bodies, even medicine also... Especially cold, flu, sinus, etc will be work of course.. But seriously like aids, cancer, sugar dibeatic, depression problems, etc that won't be GO AWAY... Honest, I agreed with that doctor...
So, please think twice before does it... And, I do really need to know what kind of health plms that you have so I might understand why you need that... But, honestly you didn't say anything about your health plms. I felt like no excuse to do that... Since, I did get warn ONCE from doctor, he said that I will have heart attack so I will die because I don't lose any weight when I was maybe 16 years old, I might will die by in 20's so look at me, I'm stll here and alive. I'm only 22 years old now.. So, I don't understand why they would tell you that you will die... That's too harsh :roll: that's so silly... I apologize for saying that, but I have to tell you the fact... Since, I had that experience and read whole of posts, I felt like that there's nothng to help. But I hope you could understand what I mean by that... And, please let me know pretty everything as you can.. If you rather to talk to me in private, you are welcome to pm me or im me to talk about that... So, catch you later
Good Luck