Your story is really interesting! I myself am part Russian. I was born in Cuba (am hearing as well) and moved to Sofia, Bulgaria at 4 years old. I learned the language completely. Then at 5, I moved to the US where a couple of years later, I forgot Bulgarian because I had no one to speak it with. My family refused to speak it with me. My great grandfather was a Russian counte, and he fled Russia to Bulgaria during the Bolshevic Revolution. I am right now learning Russian by myself. I check out books in the library very often about learning Russian. I am really interested in that language. Well actually, I am really interested in LEARNING languages. I know English, Spanish, and ASL. I am learning Russian, plan to lean Bulgarian again in the near future, French, German, Ukranian, Polish (when you know Russian...mostly all other slavic languages are a really easy), Italian, Portugese, and Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphics (I am really into the Ancient Egyptian lifestyle and culture). I am turning 17 this upcoming March, I am really quick when it comes to learning languages, and I have many many years ahead of me. I think I can pull it off!belochka said:Well, I’m actually hearing, so I don’t really sign in Russian, but I still writing and speaking. The story of mi starting learning sign language is very funny. I was watching TV with my kids, and there was a program called "something special". Presenter was talking, and signing and I just loved it. Then I decided that this is what I really want to do. When I told my mum, she was shocked, coz previously I have finished studying international law.But some people think that I’m doing it just coz I want to add number of languages I speak, sign going to be fifth.But that’s not true. I love sign language, and I’m looking forward to work with deaf children,I want even adopt one.![]()
Lena said:Your story is really interesting! I myself am part Russian. I was born in Cuba (am hearing as well) and moved to Sofia, Bulgaria at 4 years old. I learned the language completely. Then at 5, I moved to the US where a couple of years later, I forgot Bulgarian because I had no one to speak it with. My family refused to speak it with me. My great grandfather was a Russian counte, and he fled Russia to Bulgaria during the Bolshevic Revolution. I am right now learning Russian by myself. I check out books in the library very often about learning Russian. I am really interested in that language. Well actually, I am really interested in LEARNING languages. I know English, Spanish, and ASL. I am learning Russian, plan to lean Bulgarian again in the near future, French, German, Ukranian, Polish (when you know Russian...mostly all other slavic languages are a really easy), Italian, Portugese, and Ancient Egyptian Heiroglyphics (I am really into the Ancient Egyptian lifestyle and culture). I am turning 17 this upcoming March, I am really quick when it comes to learning languages, and I have many many years ahead of me. I think I can pull it off!
belochka said:I love languages too. I speak azeri my firs language, turkish, russian, english now learning BSL, hopefully after that i wanna learn arabic, french, italian and german.Good luck to us with learning languages.And u know, its really easy when u know russian, when im buying polish food, i understand what it is,i dont need to know polish, coz words are almost the same.U can practise your russian with me if u want.
Very best of luck with your studyes.
Lena said:Italian is extremely easy if you know Spanish. Once you learn Italian, I suggest you learn Spanish and Portugese. The languages are very close related. German is hard. My father knows German...6 declinations. For me at least, it is very hard to pronounce the "augh". I have more of a Slavic tounge. It's much easier for me to pronounce a bunch of "ie" in a word or sentance. I do wish to practice speaking Russian with you! I am right at the begining of learning though. I know how to read and write in cyrillic (but some letters do confuse me and there is one that is really hard for me to pronounce!). Yes, good luck to us in our studies!!
belochka said:Hi everybody.
My name is Bella, im 25.I live in London, but was born in Azerbaijan.
Back home i've finished univercity (international law), now im BSL student
Hiya.Nice to know, just shame that he is ex lol.LuvsInk said:Hi Bella. I'm familiar with your homeland. My ex-husband was from there. Welcome to AD.