Hello with a problem


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Aug 16, 2013
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I am 17 years old and I live in Spain (But I am not spanish)

I have had problems since I have memory...infections, earpain, "I dunno undertand you", Tinnitus, vertigo, "I have listened only 'sasadasd'", "Can you repeat?", "Can I sit down at the front of the classroom/nearest the blackboard?", and pronunciation problems, I hear a lots of sounds as they were the same ....doctors thinking that I'm autistic...

When I was 11 years old I went to the doctor, He said: "You have an inflammation [a part of the head that I don't remember] that makes you feel that you dont' hear well, even this, if this continue after your inflammation disappear, tell your parents because you should make a hearing test"

I'm worried because It's getting worse, I now heard worse than when I was 11 years old, and earpain, tinnitus and vertigo are worse too!

Now I always have earpaing, almost always desequilibrium and tinnitus and vertigo very often.

Today I even hear NOTHING for 20 seconds, right now I have a terrible earpain and vertigo.

Tomorrow, I am going to call GAES to make a hearing test.

For some complex reasons, I can't tell my parents...They just...don't believe this (I have had problems with them in the past...negligence...social workers...)

Obviously, with this thread, I am not searching a diagnosis..I am just telling my situation...I know that only doctors can give one.

:wave: :wave: :wave:
I don't know spanish rules, but can they or your get a legal guardian for medical decisions? Someone you know and trust? In the USA they would appoint a person who loves the child to care medically and make decisions.

Go to the doctors and also the social workers if you are under age.
I never heard of a 11 kid going to the doctor without their parents.

My parents brought me to the doctor, but I asked him if my parents could wait outside.

I don't know spanish rules, but can they or your get a legal guardian for medical decisions? Someone you know and trust? In the USA they would appoint a person who loves the child to care medically and make decisions.

Go to the doctors and also the social workers if you are under age.

Getting a legal guardian would make worse my relationship with my parent, even if they are...negligent...they want me to go to the university....

I have nobody here...I tried to do something 3 years ago...and my parents were forced to bring me to a children hospital because I had "mental problems"...the neuropsychatrist talked with my mother...and she promised to change....but when we arrived home she started to say "What did you tell them? Why were they talking me as I were a bad mother? Why do you want to destroy the famility? Stop pretending you are ill!"--->This was when I lived in Italy...after the doctors gave a diagnosis, we moved to spain...the diagnosis was "High functioning autism and High IQ"...But I am not autistic, I am very different from autistic people!...Also I couldn't tell all what was happening to my doctors...because I knew that we were going to move in two month...

When she talks with my doctos she talks as she understand certain things...but at home It's different...she always says things like "I won't believe you, stop pretending you are idiot and listen to me! why should I repeat this to many times!? You only want to live 'the easy life!'" (When I say "What? I didn't understand you") or when I don't hear at all: "Why are you pretending to be deaf!? Stop ignoring me!"

I have some autistic behaviors because I'm always on a big distress, I have some stereotyped movements, and because of high IQ I have a weird vocabulary even If I have some pronunciation problems and I can't speak completely fluent, and rare interests (But they are not restricted!...my philosophy teacher used to say that I am like a encyclopedia with feet...I have spent all of my life refuged in/among books)

I have to do it by my myself...I have survived all of this years...

Sorry if there are mistakes in this text...My mother tongue is not English...
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WHATEVER your diagnosis is, doctors can help with the physical part (hearing aids, writing a letter to diagnose you for assistance in school) or refer out to specialists. If you have autism or autistic tendencies (symptoms) there is assistance. Assistance can help you with social skills if those are hard or communication or with focusing on school. It can get you notetakers, personal aids, longer test time for quizzes... whatever puts you equal to your classmates. You said your parents want you to go to the university. If you have documented hearing problems and you get support or tools to work around your hearing loss based on tests and letters from your doctor, you have a better chance at an education. It doesn't seem to me that your parents could argue that. In the USA as well as overseas (I grew up in German, France, Holland, Belgium, England) a disability is a disability. A child with hearing problems gets support for those problems. A child with a learning or developmental or social disability gets assistance with that.

See a doctor. It doesn't matter how or why you have your symptoms. If you want more encouragement for your parents to support you make a point that having you diagnosed or treated means you get the best shot at a great education.
Hello welcome to Alldeaf

Did you ask to family doctor or audiogoloy? recommend to advisor audiology or family doctor

do you have problem anytimes? what is you diagnose? you have infect on ear?

Hard to tell exactly! someone will answer anytime question you :)
Hi and thanks.

As I said, tomorrow I am going to call here: Gaes

They make a free test to see if there is a problem.

A child with a learning or developmental or social disability gets assistance with that.

There is a big problem with this in spain....many people with disability, if they are high functioning, they don't have assistance.

For example, I know a lot of people with Asperger syndrom...here in spain we have something called "Certificado de discapacidad" (disability certificate), 33% or more means that you need some help with something, that you have a disability...but...a lot of autonomous communities are denying it to people with a 'high functioning' disability (Asperger or high functioning autism, Specific language impairment or similar)...even if they nead therapies and they parents only can pay them if they have that help!

Anyway, I will go to a doctor...I am tired of beeing blamed...It's not my fault...

Did you ask to family doctor or audiogoloy? recommend to advisor audiology or family doctor

I'm going to ask tomorrow...

do you have problem anytimes? what is you diagnose? you have infect on ear?

Yes, always...I don't have an infection righ now...
Hi and thanks.

As I said, tomorrow I am going to call here: Gaes

They make a free test to see if there is a problem.

There is a big problem with this in spain....many people with disability, if they are high functioning, they don't have assistance.

For example, I know a lot of people with Asperger syndrom...here in spain we have something called "Certificado de discapacidad" (disability certificate), 33% or more means that you need some help with something, that you have a disability...but...a lot of autonomous communities are denying it to people with a 'high functioning' disability (Asperger or high functioning autism, Specific language impairment or similar)...even if they nead therapies and they parents only can pay them if they have that help!

Anyway, I will go to a doctor...I am tired of beeing blamed...It's not my fault...

I'm going to ask tomorrow...

Yes, always...I don't have an infection righ now...

Glad of you hear resolve. we hear question help to you enjoy :) Hope be you! wish best you fix on!
Hi again.

This wednesday I am going to the doctor, at 14:50.

I went to a pharmacy, they said that It is not an infection, but that It can be a lot of different things.

Then, to the doctor....I would really like to go righ now...
Hello! I'm sorry you've been struggling with this. I've had my share of doctor confusion too, with quite delayed speach and then randomly starting to talk in full sentences, also it took them forever to diagnose my mixed connective tissue disease. Best of luck I hope you get some answers, I'd personally love to know what they find out it seems interesting. I wonder why your mother is so bothered by the idea of you being partially deaf or on the autism spectrum, I'm sorry she is though. Good luck and health to you, hun!
Hi again.

Uhm...I haven't gone to a doctor yet ....but I have discovered that my mother has the same problem, the only difference is that she has it since she is 25 years old....but there are the same symptoms (TInnuitus, pain, hearing loss...) she has a moderate hearing loss (I knew that She doesn't hear very well, but i didn't know that she has a diagnosis)

.....I haven't gone yet because there are more problems in my familiy (Well, I went that wednesday but there were some problems -My doctor wasn't there because of an accident or something like that-, so, I had to go again a week later...but, because of my family.... )....and I can't talk with anyone (I tried it)...so, I will wait until I am 18 years old....The pain, tinnuitus and vertigo are very strong sometimes, but I think I can stand it for 7 more months (I have it since I can remember....7 more months won't kill me)
Uhm.....Hi again...

I had the opportunity to go to the doctor, I went and I told him the problem.

He used that thing that they use to look into the ear (I think that the name is "Otoscopel" or something like that) and another thing that I don't know what was.....He said that was something weird with a fluid in my ear (That there was more than normal and in the wrong place, or something like that...I couldn't understand him very well)...

He said that It could be a muscular problem. So before doing more tests, I had to do some exercises, chew gum and take two medicines, and If the problem were a muscular weakness, It would disappear, but if it didn't disappear, I had to return to make more medical tests.

I hoped that It would work, but It didn't....I am going to the doctor again, probably next week.

Yesterday, I was in classroom waiting to make an exam...It was only a girl and I, in completely silence, both studying. She talked to me asking me something, I heared her voice, but I couldn't understand what she was saying, she repeat it three times until I understood that she was asking if I know how to draw the orbitals, then she asked another thing that she repeated again many times (I saw annoyance in her face), she wanted to know what was an sp² orbital and another thing that I didn't understand (There were too many sounds to say "What is a sp² orbital?")...I explained it to her...and she made a question again, but when I said "what?" she didn't repeat it. When the teacher arrived, she talked to him and he drew something in the blackboard...I assume that the question was "How do I draw it?"...After that the exam began.

And things like this are everyday...I normally understand my teachers when they are teaching, I think that It's because they have to speak very loud, clearly and slowly (My classroom is a chaos....everybody do what they want, even sniff drugs...rarely, there isn't an important background noise, when there is I do not understand as when I sat far from the teacher)...If I talk with them out of there, In a place which is in silence, I can't understand them because they talk "normally"...They have to talk as I were foreign or idiot.

I normally don't talk with peers, I have no friend...but when they talk to me, I can't understand them. I hear them, but it is only "ashhajsajdashdashdashd".

I notice this when I communicate, but communication it is not part of my diary routine (I know that it is weird...but I don't remember the last time I talk with someone voluntary -offline-...Online I am here, right know...but I don't know to whom I am talking)
