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Oct 30, 2015
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I am 23 years old. Pregnant with my third child (being induced Wednesday). I was just diagnosed with Otosclerosis so I am not fully deaf. I am however going to progressively lose my hearing which scares me. I only have it in my left ear so far, but I have a 1 in 10 chance to lose it in my right. Right now the outcome is that I will need a hearing aid or surgery. My doctor says for some the hearing loss progresses quickly and some it is slow. I am guessing mine probably will progress quickly. I originally thought I had an ear infection about 3 weeks ago, but the antibiotics didn't work so that is when I was referred to the otalarynologist and found out about the hearing loss. I am really scared I don't know if I have a chance if losing all my hearing or what to expect at all. I have been learning ASL as a hobby so maybe it will be beneficial in the long run. Just look for friends, advice and others who know about Otosclerosis.
You're welcome. :)

Hope things go well for you and baby on Wednesday (if not sooner).
Lol thanks! I've been trying to evict him, but it isn't working so far lol.
Otosclerosis info

Hi acmommyx3 -

Good on luck Wednesday, and congratulations on the new addition to your family!

I can imagine it's a hard time to also be dealing with news of the diagnosis, so I hope you are staying strong and glad you have found your way here.

The American Hearing Foundation has an informative page on Otosclerosis that may be useful: http://american-hearing.org/disorders/otosclerosis/

Thank you. It was a bit shocking news. I'm a little sad by the diagnosis, but I know I will be fine.
Welcome :wave:

Learning ASL is good step as it will open additional communication options.
Thanks and it has always been a hobby of mine. I love learning new languages lol. Just never thought I may actually use it someday depending on where my hearing goes.
It is also good for young children. I as well have 2 and one on the way, my third is due next year lol, but my 3 and 2 year olds can sign when they don't know a word or can't say it right. Like my oldest says uic she also does the juice sign.

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Hi, welcome! :D

I've been deaf/HOH (profoundly deaf in my right ear and moderately to severely HOH in my left) my entire life, so I don't know what it's like to grow up hearing then losing it later on. But it must be hard for you now and I understand that you're upset. However, everything will be fine. You knows, maybe you're destined to be deaf. Just hang in there.

Also, learning asl would be a good step. At least you know it which definitely comes in handy. Surround yourself around deaf and HOH people. Online and in your area. (Or a nearby city if your area doesn't have many DHH folks.) getting to know them would be a big help to you and you'd realize hearing loss isn't bad. Good luck.

Anyway, on a positive note, enjoy your time on all deaf! :D
Thank you HOH200! I am trying to find some support group type things around me lol. It is definitely going to be an interesting journey.