Hello. New here and to all this.


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Oct 18, 2013
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Hello. I'm Devon. I'm 23. I just found out on Tuesday that my hear loss is permanent. I had an accident and fell off my parents roof. When I landed the impact brought a lot of issues. The damage done, according to my doctors, it may not be fixable. So here I am seeing what the rest of the world has done.
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Hello. I'm Devon. I'm 23. I just found out on Tuesday that my hear loss is permanent. I had an accident and fell off my parents roof. When I landed the impact brought a lot of issues. The damage done, according to my doctors, it may not be fixable. So here I am seeing what the rest of the world has done.

Well, if you spoke to a doctor and he diagnosed your hearing loss permanent..... he would have done tests or various exams to see if you were a candidate for a H.A. or a C.I. Being as a general doctor is not authorized to diagnose hearing loss permanent or temporary, I suggest you seek someone who is authorized to diagnose such a condition such an an ENT or an audiologist. I work as a P.A. for a hospital down here, ( I was born deaf ) and I can tell you in all the years working here, it is VERY rare hearing loss caused by a fall is permanent. ( It can happen, but again.... fairly rare it can not be corrected in some way, shape or form. ) The only way someone can tell you if you're a good candidate for a C.I. is referral from an ENT in more specific, an audiologist.

Are you seriously asking the pros and cons about not being able to hear? Don't you think that anyone including yourself can think of pros and cons to not hearing? Hearing or deaf alike? Like, we're going to come on here and make a comparison of pros and cons of deafness? Sorry, that's one of the stupidest questions I've ever been asked. I find it hard to believe people out there are like YAY I'M DEAF, PROS ARE!!! Who really seriously asks the pros and cons of being deaf??? Personally I was born deaf, but I find it hard to believe someone who suddenly loses their hearing and who's life is completely flipped upside down asks those types of questions. Seriously? Pros and cons of being deaf? Does it make you a quitter???? WHAT?! I can't even dignify that question with an answer!

You can't just have a general practitioner declare you deaf with no chance of hearing. It just doesn't happen. It's outside what they're trained for in specific, hence why there are ENT's and Audiologists. ( Again, I work in a hospital very closely with doctors, ENT's, Audiologists, Surgeons and many other kinds. ) When you get the opinion of an ENT or an Audiologist they will then tell you if you're a candidate for a C.I. or a H.A. They will tell you if your hearing loss is permanent or fixable through operation or hearing devices.

What is your hearing loss degree? how many dec. are both ears? Is the loss the exact same or different on both ears? What kind of hearing loss did the "doctor" say you have? What was damaged to cause your hearing loss? Why is it not fixable? When did this accident occur and how long have you been without hearing? Is there ringing? Were you diagnosed with tinnitus or anything like that? Did you have pre-existing hearing conditions?

Sorry, the way your introduction is worded, I am inclined to believe you are full of beans. Pros and cons? If I was born hearing and lost it all the sudden, the LAST thing I'd be doing would be asking the Deaf pro's and cons of being deaf and if it makes me a quitter! Seriously...... I'd seek an ENT and / or an audiologist.....

Your questions aren't insensitive..... They're stupid and ignorant honestly.
And now you have read my comment and taken out your stupid questions asking if a C.I. is a good option for you, what the pros and cons are to being deaf, that your doctor said it WAS PERMANENT ( now you're saying your doctor said it may be permanent ) and if you're a quitter.... that alone tells me..... you're full of sh*t. You can't edit what I wrote though buddy, you have been spotted. MAN can I sniff out a BS'er when I see one! Oh lawdy the deafie is in the medical profession and deaf people know what they're talking about! Better edit my question so nobody else sees I'm full of crap! :laugh2:

Original post of his contained

His doctor said his hearing was permanent. Now it may be.

Is he a quitter for losing his hearing?

What are the pros and cons of being deaf?

Hmmmmmmm.......... Only reason to change it to what it is now is because you have been called out as a liar, and now have changed the original posting so have been confirmed. Please don't let the door hit you on the way out! Oh who am I kidding, I hope you fall down the stairs too! Sorry, I can't stand liars.... especially when it comes to deafness.... profoundly annoying.... No tolerance.
If you noticed I amended it at 5:18 you posted at 5:28. And you're right it was ignorant. I have no idea what's going on. I'm scared. But I will figure it out. Thanks for the advice. When I see my mom I will get it all figured out.
I jumped the gun. Sorry. I have controlled HIV for two years I should have no issue with this.
It's because I posted first and I edited my post, which updated the time. That's why it looks like you amended it before I posted.... I added to my post. Puuuuuuuleeeease. :roll:
I jumped the gun. Sorry. I have controlled HIV for two years I should have no issue with this.

:eek3: See now you're just putting yourself out there..... This is almost like a pity party attempt going on. Nobody was talking about that, you threw it out there as a defense mechanism. Still, you were unable to answer my original questions about your hearing loss, and then you threw that out there. My condolences for you having HIV, Optimism is people live long productive lives with HIV these days due to treatments available that weren't years ago. Again, info completely irrelevant to the topic at hand, but again.... condolences. I wish you the best in that department. None the less, it doesn't change my stance about your hearing.
Well then I guess I should not be here. Obviously I am really in the wrong place.

Oh don't let me sniffing out BS scare you away from the site! There's plenty of people that love to fall for it I'm sure. I just refuse to allow someone to say things so completely ignorant, and full of beans and just waltz away. I'm going to call you on it. I called you on it, people will know and can base an opinion off of you bases on their own interactions. I never base my opinion off what others say, I base it off my interactions and I expect others to do the same. I was simply calling BS when I saw it, because that's what I do best. I am DEAF, not dumb.
Well then I guess I should not be here. Obviously I am really in the wrong place.

You could have maybe helped your case against me if you had not amended your original post. The big difference from saying originally that your doctors said it WAS permanent to now saying my doctors say it MAY be permanent AFTER I called you on it saying medically it's rare..... Well that just blew ya right out in the open with a huge stick of dynamite! Oh yes, I read, and I read well..... I pay attention to details because that's what I do!
You really have no idea of how many people come on this site every day and say "I'm losing my hearing" or "I have suddenly lost my hearing." It happens, it really does. I am inclined as a human being to empathize with these people and try to imagine how hard a sudden jerk of your life would be to instantly lose something you're accustomed to. That would be like if I woke up blind tomorrow. That would suck. I do try and empathize with these people, but again.... you can tell when BS is out there, and you can tell when people are being genuine.... even behind a computer screen. Changing your words and amending your post to reflect something completely different is not a way to convince the Deaf community you not only need but DESERVE our empathy and support. I am Deaf, not deaf. I look out for my fellow Deaf, and will help them when I can whether that be an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on or a supporting hand. I will not sit back and watch others try and make their way into a community on lies and manipulation. Truth and honesty are all I ask in people..... and again, you have just smashed both. I'm done here. I've caught you, that's it..... end of story.