Hello my name is

my name is nozobo and i have no idea what the hell I was going to saying.
my name is ranging quiet.. i have no clue what i'm doing today.. so i sit here and watch the post go by
My name is Old Navy Girl, I sleep at Old Navy Stores at Night, amd i am a Old Navy Fairy
My name is Oakley and I buy every single clothes from the Old Navy store (even the dresses :eek2:)
My name is Wildkatress, I am one WILD Momma, and i love to nag on Oakley, because he has a cutie :booty:
My name is Cheri and i can do cartwheels for 25 miles, to get in world genius record book..
:laughing: You're not the only person who said that, I guess I should change it, but I like being quiet :nana:

My name is WildKatRess, I want a wild cat
Raging Quiet said:
:laughing: You're not the only person who said that, I guess I should change it, but I like being quiet :nana:

My name is WildKatRess, I want a wild cat
but one thing, dont put ya finger in wildkatress's cage, she bites, she hasnt gotten her rabies shot, and we dont want see ya running around the neighbor with rabies foam in ur mouth, and scare all ad away
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