Hello my name is

My name is Raging Quiet, I got my name from a book. I helped Oakley kill DeafScuba's fish.
My name is Nozobo, at night time i dress up like bozo and scare alldeaf ad in their sleep
My name is Raging Quiet, I am on DD's circle plotting to kill DeafScuba's fishie with NoDoZo and Oakley. *sshh* :naughty:
my name is ranging quiet.. DD and nozobo told me that Deafscuba's fish sting me.. and bite me now i have no finger left.. i need to sign my ASL with my feet
My name is Oakley, I have Oakley sunglasses, I hate Oak trees, I love Oak ... err..*blip*
Pomeranian said:
Hello my name is Cheri and I have a beautiful blonde hair.

Well Thank you! I know I do. LOL!

My name is Pomeranian, I'm single and all ready to go. Come get me men! :laugh2:
My name is ccpizza

Some of you like to eat PIZZA!!!
I am not a pizza delivory guy :)


My spider is not scared of your fish but the fish is scared of my spider!

Hi, my name is Levonian. I live for my banana beer, banana tequila, banana Krispy Kreme, banana Skittles and anything else that is banana.

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