Hello my name is

hello my name is fly free.. got any hot ladies for me in here?? i am hoRny!! :clit:
Hello, My name is OldNavyGirl, I have the hots for someone here, I need a fan turn on everytime he posts, so I can cool myself off. :thumb:
Cheri said:
Hello, My name is OldNavyGirl, I have the hots for someone here, I need a fan turn on everytime he posts, so I can cool myself off. :thumb:

umm does he post? does he not? :nana:
Hello my name is Ravensteve1961, hell I've decided to accept who I am and seek some professional help.
Hello my name is OldNavyGirl, I do really know Nozobo but I won't tell him the truth until Oakley meet him IRL
My name is Tekkmotal and I work at Walmart and it's better than ebay. :popcorn:
My name is tekkmortal, and I am in the middle of *ahem* fill in the blank. :wackit:
Hi I am DreamDeaf, If you piss me off, You wouldn't know what you getting hit with. :popcorn:
Hello my name is ^Angel^...err...Cheri....err....^Angel^...no...CHE RI and I'm confused with whom am I while riding on Merry Go Around...
:squint: @ nozobo

Hi, my name is Nozobo, I don't know how to count from 1 to 10 , oh that's right, I'm blonde!!!

Hi my name is ^Angel^, and while I often get mistaken for my beautiful sister, Cheri, I am beautiful in my own right...and RR will tell you all the details.

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