Hello my name is

Hello, my name is Pimpdaddyposse. (picking nose) Umm Never mind i forgot..

Originally posted by MsGiglz
Hello, my name is Heather, my boyfriend did this :clit: and the baby grabbed his tongue.. hes stuck.. hehe


hello my name is ms giglz i love to go NUTS on poeple LOL!
Hello, my name is Javapride.. ***cussing*** damn my pic isnt working.. **cussing** *kicking under desk* (disconnected) oh shit.. her foot got tangled by cords..
Hello, my name is FlyFree. Damn I cant wait to get in PixiePierce's pants.. :clit: :drool:
Hello, my name is Irish Devil Dog. I just humped someone like dog but it turned green.. :(
Hello, my name is AmericanChopper. I just want to tell you truth that I am not male.
Originally posted by MsGiglz
Hello, my name is Javapride.. ***cussing*** damn my pic isnt working.. **cussing** *kicking under desk* (disconnected) oh shit.. her foot got tangled by cords..

Hello my name is Irish, I must stay up late trying to be #1 postwhore someday in upcoming months...
Hello my name is alldeaf, I demand a post must be made each minutes to any thread to make me satisfy
Originally posted by pimpdaddyposse
Hello my name is Irish, I must stay up late trying to be #1 postwhore someday in upcoming months...

:rofl: hahahaha!!!!

Hello my name is Pimpy, I always stay up late and waiting for people to ask me any questions.
Hello, my name is GoldenLeaf74.. I am very worth because I made out from Gold #74..
(whoo-steal you and pawn you) haha jk
Originally posted by MsGiglz
Hello, my name is GoldenLeaf74.. I am very worth because I made out from Gold #74..
(whoo-steal you and pawn you) haha jk
haha you wish!!
Originally posted by MsGiglz
Hello, my name is FlyFree. Damn I cant wait to get in PixiePierce's pants.. :clit: :drool:

:rofl: MsGiglz :twisted: *tries to get into PiercedPixie's pants* hahaha
Originally posted by SilenceGold
Hello, My name is Emeraldie...I am so tired today. :sighs:

Hello my name is Emeraldie, honey, Silentgold, guess what... I am going to have out with my boss tonight :P

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