Thank you, napolicapitale
But I'm here from app, not web.
So I can't find the button"QUOTE "
The function is out of service in app version, I guess..x/
You can ask me anything about Japanese!
You speak Deutsh better than me!
Actually I forgot most..X)
Du bist einundzwenzig Jahre alt?
Ich bin neunzehn Jahre alt.
Ich bin studentin fur politik.
... It's a bit difficult for me to memorize how to distinguish die/den/dem/...I can remember ambiguously X)
What are you studying?
What is it in German??
Du bist zwei jahre junger als mir...
I can't remember at all!!!
Later I should look for my textbook!
Err, I actually DON'T speak Deutsch
Ja, ich bin.
Du bist younger than me!
Political science must be very interesting
Thank you. So...
Ich bin zwei Jahre (older?) als dir!
I can quote??
All of sudden I can?? Why?
Older is.. alter! I'm right?
I have no idea but I guess it's time for us to throw a party!
What are you studying?
What is it in German??
Du bist zwei jahre junger als mir...
I can't remember at all!!!
Later I should look for my textbook!
What do you mean?
I like chocolate..too
Im living in Tokyo!
I mean we are so happy you can "QUOTE" that we should partyyyyyyy hardddddddd. Everybody is invited! Well, except mice.
sorry if I came now, before I was eating a beautiful kinder egg (chocolate) and it took me a lot of time
what is your city?
my city is not Canebola, as some believe ...
I understand now! Thank you for explanation! But why except mice?
Geez, Tokyo is my dream city.