Hello! I'm a Student


New Member
Feb 15, 2014
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Hello there! My name is Kimberly. I'm 20 years old and I'm a psychology/ psychiatric rehabilitation student minoring in ASL!

I really love what I'm studying and just a couple months ago I added ASL as a minor because I decided that we really need a lot more psychiatric help for the deaf and hoh community! There are way too few programs out there for the deaf and mentally ill and I'd really like to help change that!

I'm here to learn more about the culture and hopefully make some new friends within the community to get a better understanding of actually using ASL hahaha!

Nice to meet you guys! :)
Literally, same here! Even though im a bit younger I also joined to hopefully get a sense of the culture im glad that you want to make a difference. Over here there aren't really many people dyeing to learn ASL and I think that needs to change.