Tell them yes, and that you are contagious. 

quiet gal said:Another thing about people when they ask you this ~~~ Are you death?
I would say ~~ no, I am not death! I am alive!
Were you born death? How can I be born death if I am alive!
ThatGuy said:Do they actually sign "death" to you? How can they possibly mistake the sign for death and deaf?? (sign* stupid people)
bluegecko474 said:Last year I was at the "FOOD COURT" at the mall. I was talking to my sister oralism. I learned oralism since I was 3 years old until I learned ASL after I graduate from high school. So anyway, one of the hearing come up to my sister and ask if she understand me. My sister was like EXCUSE ME! So I talked with the hearing and told them to F*CK OFF and then I use ASL in swear words. My sister laughed and the hearing walked away.
I guess the hearing saw I have my hearing aids on and maybe he thought deaf must use ASL.
quiet gal said:Another thing about people when they ask you this ~~~ Are you death?
bigdaddyb said:Tell them YES! but this is my day off. My cloak and scythe are at home. Check tomorrow's newspaper. The obituary column will be empty.
Now go away or I'll put you on tomorrow's list.
crazed-wolf said:oh i tell people when i'm shopping or something..'please look at me when you talk i'm deaf' [i stopped saying hoh cuz they are worse to talk to if i say that]...and they ask me 'can you read braille?