Hello from the peanut gallery


New Member
Feb 4, 2014
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Hi my name is Karen I recently had a hearing test and yes I know you can't fail them as I am told but I did. :ty: I am new to the this world of realizing I don't hear/catch what everyone is saying. I think people mumble ALOT! I have been using closed captions on my t.v for over a year. I don't even try to watch tv without them now. :roll: I have been depressed ever since the test, because of the hearing aid cost. I have been getting my family to look at me and talk and I can follow what they say and I don't accuse people of mumbling anymore but I do notice an increase in headaches. Sometimes I have to just lock my self in my room and breathe. I don't want to be depressed weepy but we can not afford hearing aids and we do not qualify for help to get them through the non profit agency here in town. I look forward to getting to know everyone and at least others in my boat or near it :wave:
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Oh I sound so depressing! I really don't mean to be that way...I am happy :ty: I am very excited to find this website and forum.
Oh I sound so depressing! I really don't mean to be that way...I am happy :ty: I am very excited to find this website and forum.

That is okay when you felt depressed because you learned that you have hearing loss when you go for your hearing test. Nothing wrong with that. This is right way for you to go to the audiologist and get your hearing test when you could not hear at home or other places. That is good. This is what you need when looking into the websites for hearing aids which you could try to afford or get a hearing aids for free. They are helpful because you are late deafened. Did you have a chance to look at your audiogram from the audiologist? Kind of curious how much hearing you have lost.

:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. I hope you enjoy reading and posting here. See you around here. :wave:
Look into Vocational Rehabilitation offices too- can't hurt to try :)

I have mild to moderate hearing loss. I tried out a hearing aid because I wanted to see what it was like I didn't believe it was as bad. When he took off the hearing aids it was like someone put their hands over my ears and I had to concentrate to follow our conversation. I did not even know I did that before.
Hi There, Welcome to AD! Dont' worry it's not like the end of the world. I know it can be a bit difficult for you when you lose hearing at an older age cause adapting to change can be difficult. If you can't afford hearing aid, you can get help in many other ways. Besides that, you need to start learning lip-reading. It's really helpful. It can be difficult but with lots of practice over time you can pick up the conversation and carry on with confidence. Yes, listening to TV is difficult. Try using wireless headphones and see if that helps?
Do look around the sites and see if there's anything helpful. Am sure you will overcome this problem.
Welcome, glad you found this site. So many wonderful people here with excellent information. Search through the many threads and you will be amazed with how many people are in your exact situation. A lot of us tend to need a break from the hearing world. It gets very overwhelming at times when trying to lipread etc.

Bottesini can you post the thread for Late onset deafness? Thanks
Welcome, glad you found this site. So many wonderful people here with excellent information. Search through the many threads and you will be amazed with how many people are in your exact situation. A lot of us tend to need a break from the hearing world. It gets very overwhelming at times when trying to lipread etc.

Bottesini can you post the thread for Late onset deafness? Thanks


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